It appears that the parents of the 6 children killed in a fire at Derby have been arrested on suspicion of murder and are to be questioned later. There seems to have been rumours and I wondered if that was what they were about after caravan/mini bus were taken for forensic examination. I suppose it wasn't meant to be anything other than an accident which went terribly wrong. If they did do it, they will have this to live with for the rest of their lives. Those poor children.
I felt at the time they appeared on TV interview that it was all very false. The police aren't stupid, they have specialised officers that monitor peoples reactions in the way they behave.
No one knows anything for sure the police are following that line at the moment nothing may come of it .. on that basis it is a little unfair to speculate...
Steady, they are arrested on suspicion, like many parents are, especially if Pold are short of other suspects, so lets wait and see before going off the deepend
If they are guilty then I doubt very much that they meant any harm to come to their children. It would be more likely that they thought it was a way to get the authorities to re-home them in a bigger property.
The fire was started by petrol being poured through the letterbox and set alight.
You don't do that with children sleeping in the house just to get a bigger house, nor do you do it accidentally.
saw this item on news 24, im horrified at this news, but the parents have not been charged with any crime at the moment. were the parents in the house when the fire broke out ?
hc, these are not people with high IQs, I know a few people who have set fire to their local authority properties so they can be moved to bigger houses or better areas.
If they Did do it to be re-housed, wouldn't they have started it in the kitchen or at the back of the house. They must have realised they were starting the fire at the only real means of escape/rescue. They can't be that stupid, surely.
As has been said, its wise not to be presumptive, however nearly 3 weeks have passed, I don't think the police would make these arrests, knowing about the ensuing publicity, unless they felt they had good grounds too.