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Megan Found

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EvianBaby | 12:11 Fri 28th Sep 2012 | News
94 Answers

Glad her parents can at least relax a little. Feel sorry for the teachers parents though.


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It horrifies me as well Ummmm. Hopefully he'll get banged up for a bit, she can get on with her studies, do what 15 year olds should be doing and forget all about him.
Well said ummm,. When my daughter was that age she also was very pretty and very busty. She looked a lot older and a lot of her male teachers looked so young and often appeared far too friendly with the girls in general.
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Agree Ummmm. I don't have an ounce of sympathy for him.
To me, it's not her age, it's him betraying a position of trust. We don't wave our kids off to school thinking they might get it on with a teacher.

She might, in her 15 year old mind!!, been totally aware of the consequences (of course she wasn't!!) where did 'she' get the money from? How did 'she' plan to pay for their life? She, at 15, doesn't have a clue about real life.
It's the abuse of the position of trust that is the issue for me too.
I agree, he is 30 years old - he knew exactly what he was doing. She is just 15 years old, maybe immature, maybe not but still just 15.
yep, I am utterly against teachers copping off with their pupils. I don't care if they think they're in love, it's their absolute duty not to do anything. (Sexes, ages don't make any difference. They can do what they like - but NOT while one of them is still at school.)
Why is everyone horrified? If he murdered her, that would be horrific!

Get a sense of proportion!
The teacher holds a position of trust. All of us would like to thi we can trust the adults who come into contact with our children when they are at school all day. If you can't trust teachers, etc then who can you trust. The man is an idiot who deserves whatever he gets - he knew the rules when he started teaching.
At 17 I was in a relationship with a man of 28. With hindsight I was way too young, I just acted old enough.

The difference, besides the small age difference, I wasn't legally bound to see this man on a daily basis.
i feel sorry for Megan, she is going to be the centre of attention for all the wrong reasons, but i don't feel sorry for the twerp who waltzed off with her, he should go to jail.
Take this the right way , Ummmm - it's your 28 year old ex bf that we should feel sorry for! Lol
ouch ^^
The school did nothing about them last year when they were alerted to their relationship. It could all have been avoided if the school authorities had acted. Maybe have transferred him to another school if possible. They let the child down.
victor, had they acted promptly they should have sacked him, not be transferred to another school, where he could have behaved as badly with someone else.
i'm with you what a bunch of witch hunters on here!
hes not dragged her to france or anywhere else if she wanted to get away she could have done the girls in love with the guy and yes hes an attractive bloke
another few months and it wouldn't have been news at all she'd be 16
only news to his poor wife is that what you are saying. It's not a witch hunt, he is a teacher and has broken the law. Megan may think she is in love with this man, but the fact remains he is twice her age, she is still underage and the trust that the parents have had in the school to keep their child safe is now rent apart.
em10 if you think he'd never get another teaching job just because one school sacked him i think thats naive. Why should his career be over because of this? Why not just restrict him to boys only schools instead?
whats with this TWICE her age he could have been 21
and yes i feel for his wife he deserves a swift kick between the legs when she sees him but for christs sake fella hes not a kidnapper or murderer
I'm so glad they have both been found. Hopefully she will return home and see the hurt and worry she caused her parents and settle down to finishing her education.

He has to be punished for what he has done. Yes, she may have been a willing partner in the relationship, but he had a responsibility to protect her from herself. He should have walked away. Silly man.

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