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<and we didn't have a job shortage, a shortage of houses, overcrowded schools, and of course a crumbling NHS.>

I think you'll find aog that at the end of the C18th our cities were extremely overcrowded with poor prospects for the incumbent populations in employment, education and healthcare.

Hence a degree of racism and xenophobia similar to now.

Don't you remember? (just in fun :-)
was there large scale racism and xenophobia in 18c Britain? And the reasons that many of our cities were full to bursting was because those who had formerly worked on the land, in rural areas flocked to the cities to find work, perhaps in the hope of better wages, seeing how agriculture was so poorly paid, unless you were the landowner or laird.
<racism and xenophobia in 18c Britain>

well the influx of east european jews certainly stirred up a lot of anti-semiticism; synagogues burned etc

I seem to recall there was an attempt to frame the jews for the Jack the Ripper killings:

from wiki:

<rumours had been circulating that the killings were the work of a Jew dubbed "Leather Apron", which had resulted in antisemitic demonstrations. ... with the strong feeling against the Jews that already existed, the message might have become the means of causing a riot:

" my attention was called to some writing on the wall of the entrance to some dwellings at No. 108 Goulston Street, Whitechapel which consisted of the following words: "The Juews are not [the word 'not' being deleted] the men that will not be blamed for nothing", ... strong feeling existed against the Jews generally, and as the Building upon which the writing was found was situated in the midst of a locality inhabited principally by that Sect, I was apprehensive that if the writing were left it would be the means of causing a riot"

Religious tensions were already high, and there had already been many near-riots.>>
not a new thing at all, i am not suggesting by the way it's right, just not exactly new.

Earlier I meant 'End of the C19th' - not C18th

Indeed em

Spain kicked out all the Jews in (I think) the C16th

Amazingly, the order was only rescinded in (I think) the 1960s during Franco's regime.
if you read up a little you will find that many countries have not accepted Jews, or got rid of them en masse, not just the third Reich. Britain in the 11th 12th centuries and as posted pogroms abounded, Russia, Poland, and many more besides ousted them from their homes and murdered them in their thousands.
Mankind is a fairly unkind even cruel creature when you think about it.
If you join the club you are expected to obey the rules. We should get out tomorrow and determine our own destiny. Its getting like Greece where the politicians want to stay in the Euro but the population wants to get out.

Your vote doen't count any more!
Hey kids...I've heard this great new track by an underground band.

It's called, 'Despite What You Read In The Right Wing Press, Immigrants Claim Less In Social Security Than Native Born Brits'

It's a great tune, and the dance remix is awesome.
Hey pop's me again.

I found the lyric to that song I was telling you's here:

Why don't you get your dancing shoes on and have a bop to it. A little later I'll be playing Dancing Queen by Abba.

Oh, and I've asked by the manager to tell you all that the bar's just opened.
Yes it should be up to the host country, who we want and who we can afford to have. People with a brain for a start. The thought of all those Eastern Europeans waiting at the gate to rush in and claim benefits for their sprogs back in Bulgaria fills me with horror.
SP, //'Despite What You Read In The Right Wing Press, Immigrants Claim Less In Social Security Than Native Born Brits'//

Can't see anything to crow about in that. They shouldn't be able to claim anything at all unless they've contributed to the system for a number of years.
5 years should be the rule, i do not understand any country allowing people to walk in and claim from the off. To some it seems hard hearted, but to those who have contributed all their life it seems unfair, and i would be in that group.
Aren't there reciprocal arrangements in place? If any of us wanted to go and live in Romania I'm sure we'd be eligible for benefits there despite never having paid a penny into their system.
//i do not understand any country allowing people to walk in and claim from the off. //

Most of them don't. In fact, apart from this country, do any? I don't know.
why would anyone want to, and as i see it they do not have the same level of benefits as Britain does. It may be reciprocal, but hardly likely to be the same.
Yes, close all borders, turn any illegal immigrants around at all ports and send them back where they came from. Also we need to be hard on all those illegals who are already here. If word got back that they were suffering untold misery here then it might dissuade the rest of the freeloaders from coming here.
sandyRoe, //If any of us wanted to go and live in Romania I'm sure we'd be eligible for benefits there despite never having paid a penny into their system. //

If you're sure, could you provide some evidence please?
Thanks Em, but that's talking about employers and people who have jobs - not people who go there and get a free ride.

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