Quizzes & Puzzles5 mins ago
What is happening to England?
159 Answers
http ://w ww.d aily mail .co. uk/n ews/ arti cle- 2238 111/ Scho olgi rl-1 1-su bjec ted- brut al-s ex-a ttac k-En fiel d-Lo ndon -dra gged -par k-wa y-ho me.h tml
It would now seem that our children are no longer safe walking home from school these days.
This brutal savage sex attack, comes close on the heels of the death of a 85 year old woman, who was knocked to the ground and killed, by two young muggers snatching her bag.
http ://w ww.d aily mail .co. uk/n ews/ arti cle- 2235 927/ Murd er-h unt- laun ched -85- year -old -Pau la-C astl e-di es-f all- mugg ers- snat ch-h andb ag-w est- Lond on.h tml
Also A man who carried out a shocking unprovoked attack on a young 16-year-old girl who was punched to the ground from behind.
http ://w ww.d aily mail .co. uk/n ews/ arti cle- 2237 501/ Thug -Mic hael -Ayo ade- 36-a dmit s-pu nchi ng-T asne em-K abir -16- unco nsci ous- shoc king -ran dom- stre et-a ttac k.ht ml
It would now seem that our children are no longer safe walking home from school these days.
This brutal savage sex attack, comes close on the heels of the death of a 85 year old woman, who was knocked to the ground and killed, by two young muggers snatching her bag.
Also A man who carried out a shocking unprovoked attack on a young 16-year-old girl who was punched to the ground from behind.
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/// Its nothing new just being reported more by trashy papers! ///
Also the trashy BBC it seems.
http ://w ww.b bc.c o.uk /new s/uk -eng land -lon don- 2045 8203
http ://w ww.b bc.c o.uk /new s/uk -eng land -lon don- 2048 1004
http ://w ww.b bc.c o.uk /new s/uk -eng land -lon don- 2045 4067
/// Its nothing new just being reported more by trashy papers! ///
Also the trashy BBC it seems.
a school friend of mine was attacked on her way home from school in 1971, her attacker had been on the same bus as her and she got off in a rural area as her father had a smallholding down a lane, she was raped in her dad's field and left to wander home alone, her family emigrated to australia the following year.
you just can't persuade black thugs to move to Norfolk, fgt. I expect the local rap music isn't good enough for them.
I think the point about the BBC isn't that it's trashy but that it covers the whole country, and consequently covers a lot more local and regional stories than you'll see in most papers. But you see them only because of their website: in the days before the internet they'd only have been reported on local radio or TV or in local papers. As a result it looks as if the whole country is a hotbed of crime, whereas it hasn't changed much at all.
I think the point about the BBC isn't that it's trashy but that it covers the whole country, and consequently covers a lot more local and regional stories than you'll see in most papers. But you see them only because of their website: in the days before the internet they'd only have been reported on local radio or TV or in local papers. As a result it looks as if the whole country is a hotbed of crime, whereas it hasn't changed much at all.
it's been going to the dogs for some time actually
http ://w ww.e yewi tnes stoh isto ry.c om/m edie vale ngla nd.h tm
These instances you detail are all shocking, horrifying even, to any right minded individual. They should be condemned unreservedly, the perpetrators punished. Who would attempt to say otherwise?
But reciting a list of such offences does not, of itself,offer proof of any kind of general cultural decline into a brutish hinterland. unless you can objectively demonstrate that things were better in some other England (And what about Wales, or Scotland, or are they hopelessly beyond redemption?) - An Albion where people were excellent to each other, that such actions rarely or never happened, or that somehow such actions are more vicious than they ever were.
And you can't.
The reality is that there is no Jerusalem - a land bathed in the golden glow of righteousness from which we have strayed through immigration and multiculturalism or banning corporal punishment. Such a vision of the past usually comes from wearing rose-tinted spectacles. :)
But reciting a list of such offences does not, of itself,offer proof of any kind of general cultural decline into a brutish hinterland. unless you can objectively demonstrate that things were better in some other England (And what about Wales, or Scotland, or are they hopelessly beyond redemption?) - An Albion where people were excellent to each other, that such actions rarely or never happened, or that somehow such actions are more vicious than they ever were.
And you can't.
The reality is that there is no Jerusalem - a land bathed in the golden glow of righteousness from which we have strayed through immigration and multiculturalism or banning corporal punishment. Such a vision of the past usually comes from wearing rose-tinted spectacles. :)
Reading this I somehow thought of you.
http ://w ww.t eleg raph .co. uk/n ews/ news topi cs/h owab outt hat/ 9700 893/ Snoo py-S loop -the -unm anne d-to y-bo at-a ttem ptin g-At lant ic-c ross ing. html
Reading this I somehow thought of you.
/// Such a vision of the past usually comes from wearing rose-tinted spectacles. :) ///
No such visions comes from living long enough to be able to make comparisons.
No matter how some would wish to ignore the fact, these types of crimes, stabbings and shootings are happening almost on a daily basis.
/// Such a vision of the past usually comes from wearing rose-tinted spectacles. :) ///
No such visions comes from living long enough to be able to make comparisons.
No matter how some would wish to ignore the fact, these types of crimes, stabbings and shootings are happening almost on a daily basis.
Don't things change so much.... does this sound familiar?
http ://w ww.b bk.a c.uk /dev ianc e/cr imin alit y/en glis h/cr imes /39- 7-0% 20ga rrot ters .htm
A long life does not necessarily confer objectivity AoG.
Peoples perceptions about the greater world around them is coloured by the media, inevitably. And we now live in a 24/7 world of news broadcasting in a global village. Never in history have we had so much exposure to events outside our immediate neighbourhood, and to discount that in any assessment that "things were better then" is just wrong.
You can find instances of depravity and inhumanity and barbarism and violence throughout recorded history, and you cannot just pronounce that things are somehow worse now because they do not accord with some sort of dimly remembered subjective perception based upon memory and coloured by bias. And thats not a personal criticism before you object, AoG - we are all subject to the same problems - recall is often poor and sometimes plain wrong, and we are all informed by our bias.
Peoples perceptions about the greater world around them is coloured by the media, inevitably. And we now live in a 24/7 world of news broadcasting in a global village. Never in history have we had so much exposure to events outside our immediate neighbourhood, and to discount that in any assessment that "things were better then" is just wrong.
You can find instances of depravity and inhumanity and barbarism and violence throughout recorded history, and you cannot just pronounce that things are somehow worse now because they do not accord with some sort of dimly remembered subjective perception based upon memory and coloured by bias. And thats not a personal criticism before you object, AoG - we are all subject to the same problems - recall is often poor and sometimes plain wrong, and we are all informed by our bias.
/// And it appears to have been ever thus.... ///
Only 'appears' to some, in reality it has not.
Even in the days of the WW2 blackouts, women and girls were safe to walk home alone, but today's sexual predators do not even wait for the hours of darkness to commit their brutal sex attacks, they even strike during the hours of daylight.
/// And it appears to have been ever thus.... ///
Only 'appears' to some, in reality it has not.
Even in the days of the WW2 blackouts, women and girls were safe to walk home alone, but today's sexual predators do not even wait for the hours of darkness to commit their brutal sex attacks, they even strike during the hours of daylight.
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