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No Drop In Hiv Among Gays.

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anotheoldgit | 10:50 Fri 01st Feb 2013 | News
65 Answers

Since those far off days when it was called "The Gay Disease" have not gays and bisexual men still not learned the lesson?


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I do not like the practise, but I accept that it is there and so I am of the opinion that a condom should always be used. I would also point out with regard to tearing of delicate skin that there are plenty of lubricants about which would go far to facilitate this. I cannot understand the mentality of anyone who would risk getiing HIV or even AIDS. They must be completely mad.
A lesson to ANYONE of ANY sexual orientation is to practice safe sex.

STDs are preventable, so flaming well prevent them!
Starbuckone - that's my point - people do things that are bad for them - overeat, drink to excess, smoke, drink and drive, have unsafe sex, it's what people do - because they don;t associate the risks as being personal to them - they are for 'someone else'.
On a lighter note phone sex is not safe either!
lol, I like that, RiskyBiscuit
"you made quite a nasty set of comments in your removed post... "

Haha, I hadnt even noticed it had been removed.

I could put it again but the the pathetic censorship on this board will only remove it.

What i said wasnt anti-gay, it was my opinion and a pun.

so if i said that against all the advice that say smoking can kill people, but smokers continue against the advice, well thats fine by me as long as they only smoke and kill themselves and they dont try and get other people to smoke and kill them, would that get removed ?....

so please explain why my post was removed.

theres some very narrow minded petty people on here
-- answer removed --
\\\Since those far off days when it was called "The Gay Disease" have not gays and bisexual men still not learned the lesson?\\\

Quite evidence at all.
Didn't think it was allowed to be called the 'gay disease'. The powers that be pretended that it wasn't because it was discrimination to say otherwise even though everyone knew that gays were predominantly at risk. As usual don't let the truth get in the way of upsetting a minority group.
dave50 - could it also be that it turned out not to be a 'gay disease' as the thousands of intravenous drug addicts have proven?

What the figures may not reveal, and I think this is important in the context of your question, is that there were significant falls in new HIV cases amongst gay men during the 90s.

What has happened in the 00's is that rates have risen and stayed there (after massively dropping).

Researchers have suggested that the trend may be caused by a rise in unsafe sex as men no longer view HIV infection as deadly, while internet dating sites make finding a partner increasingly easier.

Fact is - back in the 80s, contracting HIV was practically a death sentence, whereas now it's a treatable condition.

So as to whether gay men have or have not 'learned their lesson' is a little off the mark, as the lesson has changed.

Crikey - i'm covering my baby's eyes as i'm reading this thread .

Did you know that the place on your body containing the most germs , is between the toes ?
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Wasn't it called the 'gay disease' because it was the gays who were first affected by it.

I refer of cause to the number of film stars and other celebrities, along with the gay community of San Francisco, who were struck down with the dreaded disease?

And I think dave50 was correct, as it spread to the heterosexual groups, there was a certain amount of shifting the responsibility.

hate to be pedantic but originally it was called the gay plague, for it was them that it was first diagnose in and they subsequently passed it on to heterosexuals
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It is also said that the disease started in Africa and originated from Monkeys.

I'll get my coat.
AOG - let's assume, as logic would infer, rather than the alternative method - that the disease was passed on by the monkey biting a human rather than ... could you get my coat as well please?
Wasn't it called the 'gay disease' because it was the gays who were first affected by it

Actually you (or more accurately bazwillrun) are right. Back then the disease first attacked the gay community in San Francisco, but as it spread to other demographics it name logically changed.


Almost word-for-word, that's what I was about to write. Seriously.

Spooky as hell.

And on that bombshell, I wish you all a happy Friday. I'm off for a date with a monkey...hope he's got a condom...


'I am still unclear as to what the "lesson" is.

Not to be gay?
Use a condom?'


I don't understand sqad's suggestion that anal sex is different for gays or hetero people. Surely for everyone it's penetration up the back of the "receiving" person? What other options are there?

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