argor ...
No, they didn't. Because there were no high profile, trophy targets.
The Police and CPS have no real interest in convicting a person who gives away three points. They just want a high profile scalp.
If it had been a low paid labourer, and his wife had shopped him for asking her to take his points, would the authorities have spent huge sums of public money to pursue justice, and higher ideals? No, of course not.
And is the fact that he lied to Parliament such a big deal?
Politicians lie to Parliament about taking the country to War in Iraq, and about the prospects for our economic future. I really don't care a hoot if an MP fibs about his speeding ticket. Because if they do decide to prosecute him ... who pays for that ??? ... ahaaaah! that would be you and me.
Well, I work hard for the money that gets taken in taxes, and I'd rather they spent it on something a bit more serious than speeding points.
Besides, if I dobbed in everyone I know who has taken points for someone else, they'd need to double the size of the CPS to handle the work load.