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Positive Things About Immigration
OK so I thought I would post something positive about immigration.
UK survival - Now our dwindling birthrate has smashed 2. This makes our chance of survival better than 5 years ago.
Culturally- adds to our understanding of the world and contributes to new experiences, products, events, foods etc to diversify and enrich our lives.
Economically- Competition for jobs that require a good education e.g doctors, finance, science, lawyers etc so you get the best person possible in the position and the country is run more efficiently. Also the less well educated are willing to pick up the jobs that many people would not want to do so further ensuring the productivity of a country.
Everyone is so against it on here so I thought I would post this in a hope to ease everyones fears.
UK survival - Now our dwindling birthrate has smashed 2. This makes our chance of survival better than 5 years ago.
Culturally- adds to our understanding of the world and contributes to new experiences, products, events, foods etc to diversify and enrich our lives.
Economically- Competition for jobs that require a good education e.g doctors, finance, science, lawyers etc so you get the best person possible in the position and the country is run more efficiently. Also the less well educated are willing to pick up the jobs that many people would not want to do so further ensuring the productivity of a country.
Everyone is so against it on here so I thought I would post this in a hope to ease everyones fears.
/// UK survival - Now our dwindling birthrate has smashed 2. This makes our chance of survival better than 5 years ago. /// The one's we already have will make sure the birthrate doesn't dwindle too far. /// Culturally- adds to our understandin g of the world and contributes to new experiences, products, events, foods etc to diversify and enrich our lives. ///...
15:41 Thu 28th Feb 2013
As far as employment goes, it's plain and simple. As I have said many, many times before it is utter madness to pay between two and five million people (depending on what estimate you believe) to sit at home and then have to import labour. Anybody more well versed in logic than I am out there?
All the nonsense about "lack of skills" and so on is just that - nonsense. Just last week we were told that the UK's education system has improved remarkably and was wonderful. Yet, we are told, we cannot produce enough people to do skilled work. This is especially pertinent when the vast, vast majority of jobs in the UK require either no skills or skills that can be easily acquired. The recent immigration figures show that in the year to June 2012 515,000 people (officially) arrived to settle in the UK. Did we have 515,000 job vacancies for which there were no suitable candidates already here? I suspect not.
The country needs to shape up on this aspect of the immigration issue. It makes no sense to say that we must import labour to do unskilled or semi-skilled work whilst at the same time we pay huge numbers to sit at home because they “will not do” such work. It also makes no sense to have an education system which produces young people with fifteen GCSEs, ten ’A’ levels and an honours degree who cannot do even the most moderately skilled work. The education system needs to produce people who can do the work that employers want them to do.
Then there’s this:
“Without immigration The UK will have too many older people not working and too few generating income and we'll be in a right mess!”
So what sort of mess will be we in when those imported supposedly to support the older people already here get old themselves (as, believe it or not, they will)? The notion that older people already here can only be supported by ever increasing numbers of people brought in from abroad is the logic of the madhouse.
The UK does not need immigration (at the level of half a million a year) to fill job vacancies. And if its older people can only be sustained by the wholesale import of extra bodies then there is something radically wrong that will only worsen as those imported get older themselves.
All the nonsense about "lack of skills" and so on is just that - nonsense. Just last week we were told that the UK's education system has improved remarkably and was wonderful. Yet, we are told, we cannot produce enough people to do skilled work. This is especially pertinent when the vast, vast majority of jobs in the UK require either no skills or skills that can be easily acquired. The recent immigration figures show that in the year to June 2012 515,000 people (officially) arrived to settle in the UK. Did we have 515,000 job vacancies for which there were no suitable candidates already here? I suspect not.
The country needs to shape up on this aspect of the immigration issue. It makes no sense to say that we must import labour to do unskilled or semi-skilled work whilst at the same time we pay huge numbers to sit at home because they “will not do” such work. It also makes no sense to have an education system which produces young people with fifteen GCSEs, ten ’A’ levels and an honours degree who cannot do even the most moderately skilled work. The education system needs to produce people who can do the work that employers want them to do.
Then there’s this:
“Without immigration The UK will have too many older people not working and too few generating income and we'll be in a right mess!”
So what sort of mess will be we in when those imported supposedly to support the older people already here get old themselves (as, believe it or not, they will)? The notion that older people already here can only be supported by ever increasing numbers of people brought in from abroad is the logic of the madhouse.
The UK does not need immigration (at the level of half a million a year) to fill job vacancies. And if its older people can only be sustained by the wholesale import of extra bodies then there is something radically wrong that will only worsen as those imported get older themselves.
I had to mark AOG's answer as best as he has a kind of humour behind some of his contradictions. Well it made me laugh anyway. I do respect his opinion though never the less but do not agree with it.
We are one of the greatest nations in the world! We offer EVERYONE free health care and we make sure no one is homeless. Do you think for 1 minute that if it was not good for the economy they would still have the gates wide open for immigration? It benefits the country simple as that. Where I grew up in Bradford sure you got asian gangs of kids who stick together and caused trouble but guess what?! Yes you guessed it you also gangs of english kids doing the same! It does not make any difference. If our hospitals are stretched then we need more immigration to help us over come these problems.
So what if the country is changing? The world is changing. India and China are soon out growing the united states. Our immigration tactically puts us part of all the great nations. It can be nothing but good.
We are one of the greatest nations in the world! We offer EVERYONE free health care and we make sure no one is homeless. Do you think for 1 minute that if it was not good for the economy they would still have the gates wide open for immigration? It benefits the country simple as that. Where I grew up in Bradford sure you got asian gangs of kids who stick together and caused trouble but guess what?! Yes you guessed it you also gangs of english kids doing the same! It does not make any difference. If our hospitals are stretched then we need more immigration to help us over come these problems.
So what if the country is changing? The world is changing. India and China are soon out growing the united states. Our immigration tactically puts us part of all the great nations. It can be nothing but good.
“Do you think for 1 minute that if it was not good for the economy they would still have the gates wide open for immigration?”
But the gates are not wide open, honey. The current government has - very belatedly - finally woken up and began to smell the coffee. Whether they will do anything tangible is another matter, but their current policy is to reduce immigration.
More than half a million people arrived on these shores to settle here in 2011/12. Do you think they all had accommodation to come to (bearing in mind the housing crisis many areas)? Do you think they all had a (legitimate) job to come to (bearing in mind that about 2m people are currently unemployed)? Do you think they are all making a contribution to the economy? Do you even think that taken together they add to net revenue for the Exchequer? Do you think none of them has required any healthcare since they have arrived (for which they have paid little or nothing)? Do you think that the many, many Bulgarians and Romanians set to come here next year will collectively add any value to our nation?
Ask yourself some of these questions before you praise this nation for its hospitality. If you can answer “yes” to most of them then you may have a point. However, you may find it difficult to do so. Yes, we DO offer EVERYONE free health care and we make sure no one is homeless. But large numbers of people are working their socks off to provide such facilities for those who arrive here potless, with no prospect of work or ever being able to pay their way. If you think that is good for the economy then you and I (together with a few others) are on different planets. Far from being one of the greatest nations in the world, when viewed from abroad as far as this goes this nation is one of the most stupid.
But the gates are not wide open, honey. The current government has - very belatedly - finally woken up and began to smell the coffee. Whether they will do anything tangible is another matter, but their current policy is to reduce immigration.
More than half a million people arrived on these shores to settle here in 2011/12. Do you think they all had accommodation to come to (bearing in mind the housing crisis many areas)? Do you think they all had a (legitimate) job to come to (bearing in mind that about 2m people are currently unemployed)? Do you think they are all making a contribution to the economy? Do you even think that taken together they add to net revenue for the Exchequer? Do you think none of them has required any healthcare since they have arrived (for which they have paid little or nothing)? Do you think that the many, many Bulgarians and Romanians set to come here next year will collectively add any value to our nation?
Ask yourself some of these questions before you praise this nation for its hospitality. If you can answer “yes” to most of them then you may have a point. However, you may find it difficult to do so. Yes, we DO offer EVERYONE free health care and we make sure no one is homeless. But large numbers of people are working their socks off to provide such facilities for those who arrive here potless, with no prospect of work or ever being able to pay their way. If you think that is good for the economy then you and I (together with a few others) are on different planets. Far from being one of the greatest nations in the world, when viewed from abroad as far as this goes this nation is one of the most stupid.
I hate to say this because I really do not dislike anyone whatever creed or colour but I really cannot understand anyone who talks about better educated people being brought into the country because we cannot supply our own. My own grandson cannot get a job although he has a degree, his friend who also has a degree is working in a mundane job which does not require his intelligence, his girlfriend has a master's degree and cannot find a job and I know someone else who was educated at Oxford, which is supposed to be the best, who is finding it very difficult to make a living. Something is wrong if we cannot find work for home-grown highly qualified people and yet are still welcoming immigrants, presumably with equally high qualifications to take any jobs that are available. Perhaps someone could tell me exactly how this is supposed to work.
daisy. Well yes true I grew up in keighley and it was an industrial town but now full of asian immigration. Now you walk down the streets and the air is full of wonderful odours of curry and kebabs. At dawn you can hear the sound of prayers from the mosque. I am not religious but it is really nice and why not when we are allowed to ring church bells if we wish. You go down the market and its full of asian stalls actually quite hard to see a white person selling things which is rather refreshing. All the fish and chip shops are asian, ice cream vans, taxis actually anything that involves cash and work. You see they dont just claim benefits they are hard working productive members of society who are holding everything together. Put it this way if all the asian people moved out of Keighley look what would be left. Absolutely nothing just a few alcoholics stumbling about and drug addicts. There would be no one doing the fundamental jobs that are required.
i look at your last response and am horrified at your naivety, why are asian and white not working together in those communities you mentioned, where is your social cohesion, and if there are asian gangs, where is their work ethic so beloved of our leaders reasoning when they tell us that they are all so well behaved, educated and fit in. What i see is this, that many well educated white people have left Britain for good, skills we undoubtedly need, yet we are importing more and more without good skills, or any skills, if you think this is such a great country why do you live elsewhere. I watched a programme last night on employment in Britain, where young well educated graduates can't get jobs, or are having to work in part time employment to make ends meet. That jobs for women are now likely to be part time, not necessarily because they want to but because full time employment is hard to get. One woman was working three part time jobs for heavens sake because her and her husband are struggling to keep afloat. This is the reality in Britain, we don't have a shortfall in skilled workers, we have a shortfall in jobs. I see the fallout from the policy of open doors, all around me, it's not pretty, not nice, and has had a detrimental effect on many decent hard working folk, who see their country being trashed by ever increasing economic migration, by politicians who don't give a damn, they don't see what we do, your response is absurd, more people here, just what we don't want, not until they sort out the economy, and the jobs and housing market major problems.
I'm currently working in Albania and its a real eye opener to the E U situation. Albania have applied to join the E U, only problem is the country is riddled in corruption, just this week alone another, yes I said another, police chief has just been shot outside the police station. All the locals say it was a mafia "hit". The infrastructure here crumbled years ago, the roads are a disgrace and all they seem to produce is Olive's. Now if they join the E U they are going to drain of millions if not billions of Euro's to rebuild said roads and rail links and what are they going to bring to the table, nada. The E U for these countries is the gravy train arriving in town and who's paying for all this? E U tax payers, then on top of this we can expect truck loads of Albanians arriving in Britain with no skills whatsoever to work here for 6 months then lose their jobs and start claiming benefits. There may be some very tenuous positives to being in the E U but I'm struggling to find them. As one very learned economist said recently; to put it simply if you have two people living in an environment on their own and one pays taxes at 30% and one is claiming benefits, guess who's the loser.
The main problem I see on here is. We have to accept we are more than welcome to go to ANY other EU country and get support for not working if we chose to. So what if they come to ours and some times claim off the system. The vast majority do not! They come here to work hard and pay taxes. Our economy is immense thanks to the EU. If people would take degrees that actually teach you how to make a living then there would not be so many unemployed graduates. After I finished university I worked for 6 months cleaning floors until I got a job. I did not complain once. I turned up did my work and got paid and applied and applied for more jobs. If all our jobs are getting taken by immigrants it is because they are prepared to do jobs our great britains will not do. Immigrants are here and here to stay.
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