"This woman is headstrong, obstinate, and dangerously self-opinionated " Those are the notes of the interviewer who interviewed a candidate for a job with ICI, in 1948. [Quoted in The Times]
No prize for guessing which,later famous, woman he was referring to. Those words could serve as her epitaph, could they not?
He was a good leader, though - his empire stretched from China to the Caspian. Of course if he'd ever threatened the gates of Grantham he'd have been in trouble.
I am reminded of a converstion which took place a long time ago where I used to work.Firebrand socialist(not me )"She's done more damage in peace time than Hitler did in the war".Quick witted young man(not me)" has she started bombing Coventry then?"
Thanks Fred - I had heard this on the grapevine and wondered about the source. Dorothy Hodgkin Nobel prize winner had a low opinion of her.
but that is not of itself damning
What happened to the Margaret Thatcher's sister - Muriel ?
not necessarily, tiggs. The pub's full of people with those qualities. They might make you a leader but there's no way of knowing if you'll be a good leader or a bad one - and people still don't agree which sort Thatcher was.
\\\\and people still don't agree which sort Thatcher was. \\\
Oh! I don't agree.........people don't agree on her policies maybe, but most people of all Political persuasions would agree that she was a "good leader."
I suppose so Jno. I work to a person who won't accept no for an answer and wants everything done yesterday. Thats probaly why I'm always stressed these days :o(