Here is a comparison of GM corn with non - GM (standard corn):
Not only is the nutritional quality vastly different but the GM variety contains two deadly toxins.
Does what the animal eat get passed to us who eat the animal? Of course it does! Even ignoring independent scientific studies common sense tells you that one.
But it is not even the danger that is absurd here, it is the fact, as Karl so rightly pointed out that our supermarkets are not labeling these products. The only reason for that I can see, like in America, someone powerful is getting rich off of the spread of GM and an informed public would choose to avoid experimental "food".
There may come a day when GM is useful, we are from that day. The science is in it's infancy, on the back of huge political lobbying in the U.S. the biotech firms behind GM have grown incredibly wealthy and are now in a position to control the legislation governing their foods.
GM is a disaster waiting to happen. The industry actually uses bacteria and viruses as a delivery means to alter the genetic structure of their GM plants. The plants are designed to kill - to kill insects by producing their own pesticides in a lot of cases. The pesticide produced destroys the stomach lining of the attacking insect. Again, independent studies show that this toxin becomes active in human beings also and turn our stomachs into little cell bursting factories.
I think several things are correct in what has been mentioned so far. Karl is correct in being concerned. Someone else mentioned that people just do not care what they eat, I think that is correct, that is why such a huge experiment can be carried out on us. I challenge anyone to set aside a single day to get to the bottom of GM food truths and still think they are a good idea, or even of little consequence. Start by typing the name Jeffrey Smith into Google. I bet after an hour you wont want them coming into this country. But they are.