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Ok Fella's Anyone Up For This?

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youngmafbog | 13:22 Wed 24th Apr 2013 | News
66 Answers
Will this be the next big thing in our High Streets?

Clean, printable posts only please !


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*shudders*. If I catch Mr BM anywhere near my frillies drawer there will be serious trouble.
^ 'catch' being the important word: he's been striding around your pollytunnel dressed in your bra and panties for weeks when you're at work.
Photo? I'll be seriously disappointed if I don't make the ITV coverage rocky!
SNAGS!!!!!!! now I NEED brain bleach.
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(lucky BM hasn't seen what he gets up to with the chickens).
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I think there may be decency laws about that Chill ;)
I have my suspicions, Snags. They all squat for him (this is a pre mating thing). I couldn't help saying "like me, that's cos they think you are a c0ck".
Lol. What a funny thread :D

I know of one ABer who, as soon as he's seen that link, will have his order in!
Right girls, so how do you measure up for a fit again ?
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Yeah...spill spill spill!!!
do you still have my hotpants triggs?
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thought so
lol his todger looks hilarious in the last picture..........
Struggling at the moment rocky.

Can't seem to find a sleeping bag in the design of a Welsh flag that has got a belt attached to the top of it.........
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I'm sure he'll be along soon enough.

Maybe with one of his poems...

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Ok Fella's Anyone Up For This?

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