There's no doubt that he is a very fit and talented athlete and he's also done a lot of good work for charity and you've got to respect the guy for that. In the past he's had a bit of chip on his soldier - remember his "anyone but England" comment when asked about his Football World Cup predictions? Now he has achieved what he calls the "pinnacle" he can't escape the fact that he'll have to be an ambassador for his sport and for GB. This brings certain responsibilities with it. His fellow Scot, Sir Chris Hoy, is also a great athlete and a superb ambassador. My own view is that Andy is fully deserving of a knighthood - but not yet. Let him learn the responsibilities and also let him learn a few more graces. Then, when he retires, I'd fully agree with him being knighted. At the moment though, I don't agree with David Cameron trivialising his position of PM by saying that Andy should get a knighthood. He (DC) has far more pressing things to be dealing with.