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Bongo Bongo Land

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mikey4444 | 07:59 Wed 07th Aug 2013 | News
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Does anyone else that think that this BNP-lite twit looks like Victor Meldrew ?

Just heard him being interviewed by Naughty on the Today program. There is a phrase that goes something like " when you are in a hole, stop digging" but he seems unaware of what he saying !


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Haven't read through all the posts so regret I may be guilty of repeating. Don't know what all the fuss is about as "Bongo Bongo Land' is a non-specific term referring to less advanced cultures than our own. I enjoy a good Chicken Madras so should I be offended if I hear the term 'Curry Muncher'? Dubya famously referred to 'Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys' and I don't recall International outrage except from Mexico who thought 'The Gringo in Washington' had gone to far.
Feel free to use gypo, yid, the 'n word', frog, septics , on here. It says more about you than American Express ever can.
Dubya famously referred to 'Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys'

It was The Simpsons who did that.
jno is absolutely correct. If I recall, it was Groundskeeper Willy.

Why on Earth has this now been attributed to George Bush???
And the Simpsons were making mock of a perceived American attitude to the French, very marked under GWB. Remember 'freedom fries' for French fries ? There is some humour in it being attributed to GWB himself.
I thought it was some obscure American senator that said it. Didn't realise it was the Simpsons.
Fred , Although I don't recall needing your permission to use whatever vernacular I prefer on this site , I thank you for the endorsement. However, anyone putting the 'N' word, that has particular social and political connotations, and 'bongo bongo land' in the same category is verging on the hysterical.
Well of course they're in the same category - the degree of offensiveness is different but they're all still straight from the Alf Garnett vocabulary and really should not be acceptable.

Why? because they demonstrate a mode of thought where foreigners, especially those from developing countries are inferior
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baz...usual rant, usual semi-literate tone.
but jake, thats your interpretation of bongo bongo land, a land of inferior people. My interpretation is a under-developed hypothetical third world, not inferior people, just inferior infrastructure and potentially corrupt political system.
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Last minute retraction by that's OK then isn't it, now that the damage is done.
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It seems that Blooms language was too offensive even for other Members of his own party !
"baz...usual rant, usual semi-literate tone."

from the mouth of the spokesperson of the church of perpetual offence !

your avatar says it please
mikey '' It seems that Blooms language was too offensive even for other Members of his own party ! ''

UKIP chairman Steve Crowther said Bongo Bongo Land was an "outdated description of foreign parts".

Since when has the word 'outdated' ever meant 'offensive'' ? It would help to read the article before trying to be witty :-)

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Baz...I find your posts childish, ill-thought out and offensive. I shall not be replying again in the future ( unless you are especially racist of course )

Have a little nap.
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So why have BNP-lite banned the word then themorrigan ? Its either acceptable or its not. Farage has appeared to have decided, somewhat behind most people, that it is. Read my other posts here.

Bloom has a record of behaving like a complete tw*t. Farage should give serious consideration to sacking him, before he does the Party any more harm.

Of course, as an opponent of BNP-lite I rather hope Bloom will continue to make a complete fool of himself, as it's more likely to make BNP-lite disappear from the scene quicker than anything the other Parties can do or say. I expect Dave will sleep a little easier in his bed tonight.
themorrigan, I feel flattered by the idea that anyone needs my permission to use the vernacular; equally I do not imagine that general observations are directed at me personally.
The party used the word "disparaging" when criticising this man's use of the words. Does "disparaging" of some countries mean "offensive" to them ?
Blimey UKIP is getting the oxygen of free publicity

(in sp+des) and I mean in the sense of 'lots'
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PP...I have always been of the opinion that the best disinfectant is fresh air.
BNP-lite needs to be show up for it really is at every opportunity.

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