anneasquith 15:07 Tue 15th Oct 2013
via bbc news, the programme was not aired in Portugal, not it would seem is it going to be , does that make sense ?
oops ** nor.
Just... jaw dropping, frankly.
Or is it political sensitivities? I can't imagine the scale of public uproar if the locations and roles were reversed and the Portuguese Police came hear to rake over one of our investigations which had ground to a halt.
In any event, I doubt it would do much good if they did do a broadcast there. I recall a piece on Newsnight, some years ago, which was to do with some new EU farm subsidy and the reporter chose to go into the sticks in Portugal to get the opinion of a farmer, who might stand to gain from the new regulations.
It slowly emerged (through an interpreter) that, not only had the old geezer never heard of Brussels, he didn't know where it was, let alone what they did there. He hadn't even heard of Porto, despite it being less than 30 miles away.
If they're so parochial that some of them don't even know that their capital city is only just down the road then I believe that an abducted child could be spirited away into the countryside and the adoptive parents could be completely oblivious to the kidnap scandal at the holiday resort.
Just how far inland did the original Portuguese Police search extend?