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queenofmean | 21:28 Wed 16th Oct 2013 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
...finding a penny this morning and all day long you'll have good luck.

Had another busy and rather stressful day at work (only 1 good thing came out of it I think) my lunch break was not a break but an extension of being busy - my boss calls me to inform me he's going to be late as he had a blow out can I let everyone know - not a problem he made it and got a new tyre! Afternoon spent on my tod in parts - highlighted with my request being read out on the radio and my song played (ok maybe 2) then on my way to catch the bus home I tripped and fell over a loose paving stone and b*ggered my knees and got off lightly with my hip - dr was concerned but I've to go down tomorrow for a once over - could have been worse. Just glad its over for today (I hope)

How has your day been?


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Ah Queenie xxx.. hope you're ok !
Bloody hell qom, bad luck that, what have you done to your knees ?.
Question Author
I'm ok minty just feeling a bit sick and sore (lovely set of bruises forming on my knees) I'm just glad I didn't fall further forward otherwise I'd have head butted a metal bench!

I ruined my new work trousers that Nungate bought me last week too :(
You had time to have two requests played on the radio you can hear at work?
Easy Life! :p
Hope you're ok. Better day today (didn't have any of the children in tears). Had to endure a load of gushing about himself up the school, teachers saying how 'amazing' and 'fabulous' he was because he spoke up at a meeting at the school last night (an important meeting though). How I kept a straight face I don't know!
youre not alone,had several days like it myself,mainly re my mum!!
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I've had bother with them in the past Tony but they took a beating and are forming lovely black bruises - but just had a feel of my knees and my right knee isn't feeling too nice
Are they swollen, qom ?.
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Mo the 2 was 2 good things happening but they did mention my name twice and according to the DJ I have good taste in music

I'm alright Sherr - in a way I'm glad that it was me it happened to (didn't say that at the time) and not some old lady or gent. That's good you've had a good day :) and well done too :)

Aww Petal hope things are ok :)
Photographs and sue the council Well that's what some people do here I hope you're ok queenie xx
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A bit Tony yes
Do as Psybbo says, qom about taking a photo of the raised slabs and get a claim in.
Have you got your knees bandaged up ?.
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I spoke to my godmother Sib and she has told me to do exactly that - so going to do that tomorrow and file a complaint.

if the department of health and safety saw our high street it would probably get shut down!

I'm just thinking a warm bath and a quiet night Sib xx
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Sadly not I don't have my knee supports any more Tony - but I will make sure I mention it tomorrow
How old are you QOM? I'm beginning to think I' a bit of a youngster round these parts
The pavements in the city centre here have caused countless accidents (brand new, 'swanky' design) and I saw an article about the pavements in Pontypridd that have caused countless accidents lately (one old lady's face was really bashed).
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I'm 25 Mo

Ours are very uneven and loose and argh. Oh that sounds terrible Sherr :( its ridiculous really hope she makes a full recovery
as baby bigs says to me,take more alcohol with it.hope knees better soon!
OOO QOM, you're a mere whippersnapper then!
I hope you feel better soon. Don't sue. Just don't. :)
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I am indeed Mo :)

I don't want to sue - although I do want something towards my new work trousers and just to make them fix it before someone else isn't as fortunate as me to get off this lightly. But thank you :)

I wish I could have some alcohol Petal but I'm teetotal as it doesn't really agree with me anymore :(

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