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Will She Ever Be Satisfied ?

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bazwillrun | 10:20 Mon 21st Oct 2013 | News
72 Answers

doesnt seem so

would she be harping on if it was all blacks...nah didnt think so

just another self-serving troublmaker we'd be better off without as far as I'm concerned


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/// What does half jamaican means ? ///

Blimey is it the weather or what?

Half Jamaican means one parent was Jamaican, in this case it was her mother, and Heather Rabbatts was born in Jamaica.

I suggest that persons who accuse me of making fun of someone I do not know, should first find out at least the little that I know of her.
AOG - " ...yet on a regular basis you will try to do the same regarding myself, even going to the extent of encouraging all those who you try to cuddle up with to do the same, you sir are such a hypocrite."

It's not all about you, honestly, it's really not.

I do not 'encourage' anyone - they manage to take issue with you all on their own, totally independently, on an almost daily basis, wheras I only receive grief from you.

Do you see a pattern emerging here?
I thought she was a fella when I saw her photos - must pay another visit to spec-saves.
AOG, yes, I know was a joke, but I didn't understand it . Was my ultimate conjecture correct ? If so, I am still a bit puzzled by it, as I said.
Don't sweat it Fred - if you don;t understand AOG's 'humour', then you revert to his default position - you have no sense of humour. Hope that hasn't put a crimp in your day ... somehow I doubt it will!
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"I must have missed the humour on the original question then.
I misread it as a typical rant and was wondering why everyone replying should do so in a light-hearted fashion :-) "

sorry i forgot anything posted you dont like is a rant.


but if i just say whites will you have a problem with that

just to clarify, to keep you happy I must always add the word people or person after the race or nationality ?

i take it blacks always use the term "white pepole/person" when referring to us do they

eg a white person not a white
a jewish person not a jew
a scottish person not a scot
a japanese person not a jap
a muslim person not a muslim

good luck with that

i can almost guess at the reply and how this is going to get twisted and distorted etc this another rant !?
/// Few women are welcomed into the world of football, far fewer of mixed race who admit to knowing nothing about football. ///

Did someone say in the debate regarding "Tokenism" better to have someone who is put in a position because they have the best necessary qualifications?

-- answer removed --
She is correct in that the commission should be diverse and representative. The appointment of ferdinand is one small step and there was no consultation. Why should she be satisfied?
What's a woman doing on the FA board anyway?

Maybe she just makes the tea?

What do women know about football, the offside rule etc anyway?

signed by the president of the Andy Gray fan club
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think you may be correct there !
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"She is correct in that the commission should be diverse and representative. The appointment of ferdinand is one small step"

no she isnt , the best quallified people should get the job, not becasue theyre black and appease the PC troublmakers
/// Dyke's all-white panel comes under fire from black FA chief for lack of ethnic diversity ///

We have come accustomed to headlines such as this , but it is not often we see headlines where anyone has come under pressure to ask why their are no whites in all the various Black Organisations, and while I am about it I will mention my annual moan regarding the Music of Black Origin Awards. (thanks to that person who reminded me)

That's not what has been said. Diversity should be sought, if it can be shown that it can't be found in order for the job to be done well, that is a different issue. She didn't ask for an appointment to be made solely to satisfy her wishes.
Can't we just shuffle her off onto the womens FA board where she can concern herself with issues such as broken nails, periods etc?

/// It's not all about you, honestly, it's really not. ///

So you do not think so? and yet further reading tells me it is.

/// Do you see a pattern emerging here? ///

Yes 'SHEEP' following sheep, all together on the 'LEFT' side of AnswerBank.
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"She didn't ask for an appointment to be made solely to satisfy her wishes2

you can read it how you like, most people know exactly what her particular game is

/// Don't sweat it Fred - if you don;t understand AOG's 'humour', then you revert to his default position ///

There you go again 'snuggling up' nose you know where.
You can read it how you like...we know what your particular game is.

/// She didn't ask for an appointment to be made solely to satisfy her
wishes. ///

Er???????? is someone else pulling her strings then?

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