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Brooks / Coulsion Trial: Beans Getting Spilled!

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ChillDoubt | 18:27 Thu 31st Oct 2013 | News
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Rather apt that skeletons in the cupboard are being revealed on Hallowe'en!


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LOL (lots of love)
21:47 Thu 31st Oct 2013
Are we allowed to mention this if its still at court ?

and no prurient gossip or speculation is allowed, lest it interferes in peoples private lives and has no public interest at all


sandy,have you ever seen one of them petard things in action?

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Are we allowed to mention this if its still at court ?
No doubt we are, as the BBC website counts as public domain and it's something the defence have already disclosed.
sandyRoe, it is remarkable that the ace News of the World reporters at no time published a scoop on this shocking revelation of sex among the rich and powerful.
I don't want to be held in contempt I don't even know where it is.
Not the full phrase.....but

Power Corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.
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Or another one:

Don't get your honey from where you get your money!
I gaped when I heard that - the long affair I mean

even more that I gaped in 2005; On 3 November 2005, it was reported that Brooks had been arrested following an alleged assault on her husband. [wiki]
The husband would be hardman Ross Kemp - whom she found in bed with someone else apparently.

A day to gape really

Just think - this will go on for 6 months !
I read that too PP. although Ross was wrong in what he did, he did not retaliate when she attacked him. He refused to press charges and they then divorced.
Any man with the slightest bit of decency left in him wouldn't press charges in those circumstances...
not sure it was necessarily decency, ummmm, more like not wishing to make himself look like even more of a prat.

In the same vein, I see Charles Saatchi has decided not to sue Nigella for not standing up for him, which is nice.
The affair should have made a good story for some other tabloid. They could have doorstepped the couple, had photographers take shots of him emerging from some late night assignation, tapped their phones; no, not that , that would have been unethical and illegal; but, obviously the editors and their journalists could not possibly have known, could they? We all know they don't know what goes on in their own paper, so its impossible that Fleet Street gossip about this ever reached their ears. Anyway, there wouldn't be any gossip, would there?
It is difficult to choose who I would rather Glasgow kiss............Ross Kemp or Charles Saatchi.
Perhaps there was no affair.
Wasn't she pregnant a while ago, has she had the baby?
so they had a long affair, does that mean this case is going to hinge on that matter alone.
The common charge they both face in this trial is of conspiracy. The Prosecutor gave his reasons for raising the issue - not out of prurience but rather because an affair points to how much they trusted in each other, how much they confided in each other, and that informs the charge of conspiracy.

"Mr Edis told jurors he was not revealing the affair to deliberately intrude into the pair's privacy or to make a "moral judgment".

"But Mrs Brooks and Mr Coulson are charged with conspiracy and, when people are charged with conspiracy, the first question a jury has to answer is how well did they know each other? How much did they trust each other?," he said.

"And the fact that they were in this relationship, which was a secret, means that they trusted each other quite a lot with at least that secret, and that's why we are telling you about it."

So - no, I doubt the case will hinge in this matter at all, but it is important fot the public to know.
i wish this wretched case were over, find them guilty and send them to jail if it warrants it,
Humber, indeed I have. And the consequences are not a pretty sight.

The NOW made a business out of satisfying the prurient appetites of its readers by exposing the pecadillos of fairly ordinary people. As jno mentioned, they didn't look too hard to find the sinners among their own high station. A case like this deserves to be reported in true muck-raking style. It makes feel that there may be Karma after all.
the NOW was a widely read paper, so there must have been an awfully lot of so called ordinary folk buying it...

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