it may be EU directive, all the more reason to get out, or a major revision on the charters. If someone says that you can't employ, act, think how you want, then you would likely tell them to go to hell, however we now have rules which tell us that we have to have whatever is thrown at us, no reply no argument, just do it, who would accept that in their real lives. this idea that open, free movement of labour has caused problems, not least for the countries that are seeing their labour force leave. leaving them with shortages in man power, skills, if we accept more people like Romanians, Bulgarians, what does Romania, Bulgaria do if its lost workers they need - once called a brain drain.
Watching a snippet of news last evening, one Romanian girl who has settled here, says she can now afford to bring her family over, great for her, but what about the fact if its children she was referring to they will need schools, and of course medical care, and so on. How on earth are we supposed to keep on like this, our economy is still not massively robust, and we could be losing our own people to foreign countries because they can't get the jobs they were trained to do, or graduates who find themselves on the dole before they have had a chance to find work in the field of their choice, for the degree they worked hard for.
if this mobility of peoples goes on then we won't be anything but one massive European superstate, i don't have an answer but i do know that
this isn't right, being constantly bombarded with more and more people from every port of call, no matter what one likes, thinks. It may be the EU and the way of things, and that Clegg is right, but that doesn't mean its what we should be told to do.