Society & Culture30 mins ago
Welfare Cuts A Digrace
does anybody know a person who is now better off ?
> Universal Credit making three million households better
and lifting hundreds of thousands of children out of poverty. <
http:// egraph. ews/rel igion/1 0639015 /New-Ca rdinal- Vincent -Nichol s-welfa re-cuts -frankl y-a-dis grace.h tml
> Universal Credit making three million households better
and lifting hundreds of thousands of children out of poverty. <
You really need to get on a new tariff DrF.
11:38 Sat 15th Feb 2014
I had hoped that the idea of the reforms was not to make anybody better off (other than the taxpayer) but to simplify the ridiculously complex welfare system, save on administration and generally cut the welfare bill. I doubt that any of those aims will be realised, but I thought that was the idea.
As for meddlesome priests pontificating on matters that do not concern them, they should mind their own business, concentrate on preaching to their flock and try to prevent many of their number from interfering with children.
As for meddlesome priests pontificating on matters that do not concern them, they should mind their own business, concentrate on preaching to their flock and try to prevent many of their number from interfering with children.
Why should scroungers be better off?
So giving less free money out is a disgrace is it? I work hard for what I get and I welcome any initiative to give less of it to WSC. On the rock and roll are we? want more of my cash to spend on funny fags and booze do we? get a job mate.
Have you seen benefits street? if anything they are over paid.
So giving less free money out is a disgrace is it? I work hard for what I get and I welcome any initiative to give less of it to WSC. On the rock and roll are we? want more of my cash to spend on funny fags and booze do we? get a job mate.
Have you seen benefits street? if anything they are over paid.
> On the rock and roll are we? <
no r1 i am not
> want more of my cash to spend on funny fags and booze do we? get a job mate. <
i pay tax r1 and do not get a single penny in benefit i also do not drink
> Have you seen benefits street? <
no r1 i have not
most of the people who get benefits r1 are workers or oap's
no r1 i am not
> want more of my cash to spend on funny fags and booze do we? get a job mate. <
i pay tax r1 and do not get a single penny in benefit i also do not drink
> Have you seen benefits street? <
no r1 i have not
most of the people who get benefits r1 are workers or oap's
It seems I have a fan, if you monitor me unsure then you will notice long periods with no activity. You see although I work in a bank I am not a banker, I have a highly skilled specialist function which means I work odd hours.. and yes I get a huge bonus and salary.//
Touche TTT.
It seems I have a fan, if you monitor me unsure then you will notice long periods with no activity. You see although I work in a bank I am not a banker, I have a highly skilled specialist function which means I work odd hours.. and yes I get a huge bonus and salary.//
Touche TTT.
/// does anybody know a person who is now better off ? ///
Yes these.
http:// www.dai lymail. ews/art icle-25 59776/T his-wee k-Euroc rat-tol d-Brita in-bene fit-tou rism-my th-read -Rudi-h uge-Rom anian-f amily-s ay-new- home-Yo ur-bene fits-cr azy-Its -like-f inding- sackful -cash-l eft-roa d.html
Yes these.
-- answer removed --
aog i was thinking of a normal british family or single person and from your link it says he works and also note > his huge Romanian family <
> The £300 Rudi receives each week is made up of housing benefit, to cover his £500 a month rent (the house is owned by a private landlord), and he also receives tax credits (paid weekly or monthly) because his self-employed income is so low. <
proves my point about most benefits goes to working people or oap's
can you find me a link to a single person born and bred here who is now better off ?
> The £300 Rudi receives each week is made up of housing benefit, to cover his £500 a month rent (the house is owned by a private landlord), and he also receives tax credits (paid weekly or monthly) because his self-employed income is so low. <
proves my point about most benefits goes to working people or oap's
can you find me a link to a single person born and bred here who is now better off ?
ooooh, state handouts? really??
Some folk have worked for years building banks, job centres and other office places. the companies go bust, the trades-people are made redundant, so therefore have to apply for state handouts (tut!)
I wish a load of banked and politicos would try to survive on a state handout.
Some folk have worked for years building banks, job centres and other office places. the companies go bust, the trades-people are made redundant, so therefore have to apply for state handouts (tut!)
I wish a load of banked and politicos would try to survive on a state handout.
It was this that I had in mind naomi ::
"As for meddlesome priests pontificating on matters that do not concern them, they should mind their own business, concentrate on preaching to their flock and try to prevent many of their number from interfering with children"
Hardly a very polite thing to say about a senior religious leader. My understand of being brought up as a Catholic in the 50's and 60's was that that Jesus was on the side of the poor and oppressed.
"As for meddlesome priests pontificating on matters that do not concern them, they should mind their own business, concentrate on preaching to their flock and try to prevent many of their number from interfering with children"
Hardly a very polite thing to say about a senior religious leader. My understand of being brought up as a Catholic in the 50's and 60's was that that Jesus was on the side of the poor and oppressed.
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