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Another B+B Tries To Break The Law.

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mikey4444 | 09:08 Thu 20th Mar 2014 | News
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Despite the case in Cornwall going against the Bulls, another couple want to break anti-discrimination laws. Why are people like this so terribly interested in what people do it bed ?


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When you are talking about somebody's home (complete with three kids) doubling up as a B+B, it seems to me that they should be able to accept or refuse anybody they want. for whatever reason they want. This is just another example of the gay lobby trying to force absolutely everybody to see things their way.
14:39 Thu 20th Mar 2014
Woofgand - "Andy-Hughes
"In order to possess religious beliefs in any way that impacts on your life, you adopt a degree of intolerance, to varying degrees."

Please don't tar us all with the same brush. My religious beliefs impact my life but the only things I am intolerant of are hatred, cruelty, bad manners and the like - the same things i would be intolerant of if I had no religious beliefs; and the same things that my non believing friends are intolerant of!"

I am not tarring anyone - i was most careful to add the phrase 'to varying degrees'.

By definition, a religious belief system means that you do not agree with some aspects of other lifestyles and beliefs. That does not make you predjudicial, merely intolerant.

I use the word 'intolerant' in the true sense of the word - my wife is wheat intolerant, but she doesn;t go around picking fights with people buying bread in Tescos!

So intolerance in the Chritstian faith is pertinent, and takes many forms - Catholics by embracing that faith are intolerant of abortion and birth control - and so on.

The point I make is that intolerance cannot rise to a level where it breaks the law. By all means disagree with the concept of gay relationships because your faith precludes that, but that does not entitle you to break the law in order to underline that position.
but don't many clubs operate a door policy that allows some people in and refuses others?

I have been having a think about this and I think the inverse. I think that intolerant people will be intolerant and hang that need on whatever peg they can find. If they don't hang it on the peg of religious beliefs, they will find another one.
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Andy, but conversely shouldn't gays, and an effort to tolerate other people's lifestyles, find another hotel?
Andy now you are talking about some organised religions and not people with religious beliefs...also your next comment
"This can vary from a tight-lipped frown, to outright discrimination against people who offend your beliefs "
implies that no one with religious beliefs ever adopts the attitude of " I believe this, you believe something different and that's ok"

Brief Encounter is not typical of gay bars.

"Then tell me how does a gay person recognise if or not another person is gay or straight?"

/// 1. By asking. ///

Blimey no wonder there are fights, what straight guy would appreciate another guy coming up to them and asking "ARE YOU GAY"?

"Andy, but conversely shouldn't gays, and an effort to tolerate other people's lifestyles, find another hotel?"

Being gay isn't a lifestyle. It's a state of being. Like one's race, eye colour or left/right-handedness.

To ask gay people to tolerate discrimination is it would be to tell black people, "So what if the hotel says 'No blacks, no dogs, no Irish'...there's a place a few miles down the road that will accept you".

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He would expect it in a gay bar.

If he was relatively good looking and/or kept himself in shape.
// what straight guy would appreciate another guy coming up to them and asking "ARE YOU GAY"? //

I certainly wouldn't - not if they shouted it.

Brilliant, Sodom and Gomorrah also springs to mind. :0)
WR, so you'd rather have a society where people were beaten and abused for being gay or for otherwise offending against the status quo? Where a whole family could be ostracised for having a gay son or daughter?
SP, point taken.

/// AOG - you're being silly now. If a straight man goes into a known gay bar then it wouldn't be wrong for a gay man to presume he's gay. ///

I am not being silly as you so rudely put I am just giving an opinion, isn't this what debating is all about?

/// I used to often go to gay bars with my gay cousins and my straight uncle. My uncle often got chatted up. Why would it bother him when he knows he's in a gay bar. ///

Are you saying then that every female that goes into a pub/club which is known to be frequented by women of low repute, it would then also be acceptable for men to presume that they are of the same morality and treat them as such?

/// Gay men don't get offended if someone tells them they're straight. ///

Different matter completely, how many straight men go up to other men and ask them if they are straight?


/// Ah...but these bars don't break the law. What they do when they see a large group of women, is that they tell them that they can come in if accompanied by a fella. ///

Perhaps not breaking the law in the strictest sense, but steering close to sex discrimination, especially when groups of men do not have to be accompanied by a female.
Not breaking the law in an actual sense too.
AOG - /// Gay men don't get offended if someone tells them they're straight. ///

Different matter completely, how many straight men go up to other men and ask them if they are straight?"

None - as you know full well - what would be the point?

Only if a gay man is showing interest in a stranger would it be pertinent to establish orientation reasonably early on - continuing with someone who is never going to reciprocate such interest wastes everyone's time.

/// So intolerance in the Chritstian faith is pertinent, and takes many forms - Catholics by embracing that faith are intolerant of abortion and birth control - and so on. ///

Why do you seem to criticise the Christian faith so much, yet seem to defend the Islamic faith, if others choose to criticise that particular faith?
woofgang - speaking as someone who attends Mass every Sunday - that is not my experience!

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