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Would You Stand By A Rapist Husband?

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anotheoldgit | 09:51 Wed 07th May 2014 | News
102 Answers

I ask our female ABers, would you have as understanding as this woman if your partner/ husband had behaved in such a way?


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He moved here when he was 16.

//Thompson moved from Jamaica to London at the age of 16, where he took up boxing, before heading to Tanzania in 2005 to teach martial arts//

ladyalex - "The trouble as I see it is that she has to decide between two delusions....the first being that he didn't do it and the second being that she has been married to an awful man for however many years it was.

If she chooses to go with the first one, then she has to stand by him.
If she chooses the second then she has to come to terms with the reality that her judgement has been entirely wrong.

It may be easier in some ways to stick by him.

If it were me.. couldn't stick by him if I thought he'd done it."

I think you have captured the essence of this wife's situation perfectly.

I do think the capacity not to see what we don't want to see is a human failing we can all suffer from - this is just an extreme example.

The Mail (sorry AOG!) takes its usual slant - loads of pictures because the woman is vaguely attractive, and its incredulity that a Cambridge gel could fall for such a bounder - so no change there.
I would call him more than a bounder andy.
I wouldn't stand by him. He has not denied the sexual contact with the women. So at the very least, he is a cheat. The evidence is compelling that he is a liar and a rapist. His wife must be deluded, or is so in love with him that she can't see what he really is.
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/// The Mail (sorry AOG!) takes its usual slant - loads of pictures because the woman is vaguely attractive, ///

A picture can speak a thousand words Andy.
Here's the thing...could you stand by your partner, if they had been convicted of murder?

I could.
...but rape?

Hmm...not so sure.
Sp...wouldn't that depend why they murdered someone?
Even more serious this man is a martial arts expert, what chance would a woman stand?
Your answer MAY not be the same if you were actually faced with this situation in reality. Obviously sitting at our keyboards the answer is no.
Mine would prudie, I am absolutely sure of that.
ummm - yes, exactly.

I could imagine a whole number of reasons why I would stand by my partner if he was convicted of murder.

But rape in my mind is worse.

...which is almost counter-intuitive (as murder is 'the ultimate crime').
I know what you mean, sp.
You can try to rationalise things like murder and violence in your head (maybe it was self defence, maybe it was born out of idealism, maybe it was simply a situation that got out of hand, maybe the person had it coming etc) but you can't rape someone in self defence, or sexually abuse someone because they had it coming so I could live with a murderer but not with a rapist. That being said I don't think for a moment the deluded woman thinks he's done anything wrong, in which case you can only expect her to stand by him because she clearly thinks he's innocent and the wounded party.
AOG - "A picture can speak a thousand words Andy."

Indeed it can AOG, and there is little doubt that the Mail is underlining its disbelief that a Cambridge gel could stand by a thug like this, plus he is an immigrant, and he's b..... bl....., no I am spluttering too much to type it!

Ticks all the Mail's boxes though!
My answers would be the same if he was wh... wh... wh...
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/// Here's the thing...could you stand by your partner, if they had been convicted of murder? ///

/// I could ///

That is a very unusual sweeping statement for you to go down on file as saying.

Child Murder?

Racist Murder?

Homosexual Murder?

Need I go on?
Why do you do this, AOG?
Because he enjoys it Ummm :)
But it makes him look daft.

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