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Would You Stand By A Rapist Husband?

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anotheoldgit | 09:51 Wed 07th May 2014 | News
102 Answers

I ask our female ABers, would you have as understanding as this woman if your partner/ husband had behaved in such a way?


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Stop digging and have a Kit-Kat, AOG.

Classic dodgy aog LOL:

Q. Would You Stand By A Rapist Husband? (aog)

A. No way could I stand beside a husband/son/nephew or any male relative (alba)

Response: That is a rather sexist statement to make, what about a daughter, a niece or any female relatives?

Priceless :-)

// I was referring to alba's choice to include only male relatives ie Son, Nephew, and all other male relatives.//

That is exactly what you asked for in the OP, aog
AOG - thanks for the trouble you have taken, but if, as a more accurate sample, you took main headline or first-two-pages stories over a twelve-month period, I think the results would be somewhat different.
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/// errr, I think you did kinda mention husband AOG, in you OP ///

/// I ask our female ABers, would you have as understanding as this woman if your partner/ husband had behaved in such a way? ///

Yes and once again I am not denying that fact, but the criticism I am now facing is a completely different matter, I was addressing albaqwerty's statement and not my headline or other remarks appertaining to Husbands or partners.

This is what she put'

/// No way could I stand beside a husband/son/nephew or any male
relative ///

To which I replied, note the absence of the word Husband.

That is a rather sexist statement to make, what about a daughter, a niece or any female relatives?
No definitely not. What a silly woman to describe him in that way. I put up with a lot of crap from my fellla, but that I would report him myself.
/To which I replied, note the absence of the word Husband.

That is a rather sexist statement to make, what about a daughter, a niece or any female relatives? /


alba was answering YOUR question:

/Would You Stand By A Rapist Husband?/

Perhaps alba does have a /daughter, niece or female relative/ who is a 'Husband'

But it seems statistically unlikely.
AOG, perhaps you could have asked Alba her thoughts on daughters, nieces, etc., before accusing her of sexism? That comes across as unnecessarily aggressive. Just an idea.
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/// AOG, perhaps you could have asked Alba her thoughts on daughters, nieces, etc., before accusing her of sexism? That comes across as unnecessarily aggressive. Just an idea. ///

It was not her thoughts on daughters, nieces etc it was her exclusive reference to her male relatives that made what she said rather sexiest.

I have been accused of racism for making much less exclusive comments regarding persons of other races.
No I wouldn't stand by my husband - or my wife. asked an interesting question which could have evolved into a good thread....and now you have blown it in a stupid and unnecessary way which is making some of us reluctant to answer your op for fear of having you turn an answer to you against us and for us to be treated as Alba has.

read what you wrote for Christ ( or Goodlife's sake) - //I ask our female ABers, would you have as understanding as this woman if your partner/ husband had behaved in such a way?//

This infers men. Period.

Other than JTH, not too many of our AB women have declared that they are lesbian. Your remarks to Albs are out of order, pure and simple. An apology would go down well.
AOG, //it was her exclusive reference to her male relatives that made what she said rather sexiest. //

This is silly. Your question related exclusively to male rapists. She answered your question.
Question Author

Yes how many more times I did put,

"I ask our female ABers, would you have as understanding as this woman if your partner/ husband had behaved in such a way"?

But it was how Alba chose to answer that question that I understandably took issue with.

She could have chosen to answer either yes or no, noting that this specifically addressed a Partner or Husband.

But she for some strange reason chose to include all her MALE relatives, she could have chosen to add "or of course all relatives be them male or female"

Hence the perfectly earned term "that is rather sexist"

I probably would not have bothered to take issue with Alba, had I not been criticised on numerous of times for the way I had chosen to 'put things' thus leading to much stronger insults and labels than the mere 'that is rather sexiest' remark that I chose to put.

But then I hardly ever see any other ABers stick up for me, when I get much worse thrown at me.

Which just goes to prove that when one is constantly criticised, insulted, along with various labels attached as I am, is it any wonder that some of this behaviour is bound to rub off on me, and into thinking that all this is part and parcel of the AnswerBank forum.

i'll 'stick up' for you, AOG. I don't know how you put up with it, I don't. ;o)
Blimey, say you bothered to take issues with Alba, who you must know is far from sexist, because of the way you are sometimes criticised on here?
That really is going to make people wary of becoming involved in your threads which is a shame.

Perhaps you could use tick boxes for us so we don't inadvertently use a phrase that turns your interesting threads into a silly attack by you.......and in this case......on Alba of all people!!!
Maybe you should ask your questions so we only give a yes or no answer. They'll be extremely boring but...
Persecution complex much?

And that "all this bad behaviour rubs off on me" is the worst sort of backhanded apology, and is pretty poor really. Let your apologies be genuine and to the point. And if you don't want to apologise, then don't, but at least stop digging yourself even further into a hole.

And finally, anyone who attacks someone else out of some perception that they themselves are the victim, but picks on someone who wasn't their aggressor, has lost all perspective. It's a shame that you can't see this.
//But then I hardly ever see any other ABers stick up for me, when I get much worse thrown at me. //

dtc reaches for the tissues - I'm in tears.

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