Music1 min ago
Where The Hell Are The Romanians And Bulgarians???
Remember at the end of last year, when several news sources warned of the hundreds of thousands of Romanians and Bulgarians all champing at the bit to come over to the UK from January 1st?
What happened?
http:// www.the guardia k-news/ 2014/ma y/14/nu mber-ro manian- bulgari an-work ers-fal ls-bord er-cont rols
From the Office of National Statistics:
"The labour force survey figures show that there were 122,000 Romanians and Bulgarians nationals working in Britain in March this year – a fall from 125,000 in December just before the last seven-year transitional controls were lifted on the new EU members on 1 January."
What happened?
From the Office of National Statistics:
"The labour force survey figures show that there were 122,000 Romanians and Bulgarians nationals working in Britain in March this year – a fall from 125,000 in December just before the last seven-year transitional controls were lifted on the new EU members on 1 January."
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How many are getting benefits ?
http:// www.dai lymail. ews/art icle-24 86853/H ow-I-cl aim-ben efits-I -Britai n-Roman ians-de mand-he lp-job- agencie ml
Just to complicate matters's also revealed that 60% of Romanians and Bulgarians working in the UK...are self employed!
http:// egraph. ews/ukn ews/imm igratio n/10652 199/Six -out-of -10-Rom anian-a nd-Bulg arian-i mmigran ts-clai med-sel f-emplo yed-sta tus.htm l
So, broadly speaking, they aren't coming for 'our jobs'.
However, just to complicate matters further, if you look at year-on-year figures, the numbers are up 26%:
http:// egraph. ews/ukn ews/imm igratio n/10829 620/Num ber-of- Romania n-and-B ulgaria n-worke rs-fall s-since -EU-res trictio ns-rela xed.htm l
So, broadly speaking, they aren't coming for 'our jobs'.
However, just to complicate matters further, if you look at year-on-year figures, the numbers are up 26%:
They are quite inventive !
http:// www.exp ressand m/news/ 2014/05 /09/ele ven-men -charge d-with- robbery -conspi racy/
I do not know how accurate the statistics are, but I regularly cross the channel by ferry Dunkirk to Dover and on every crossing there are lots of them nearly all young males, and other nationalities too, (announcements are now made in English, French and Polish) how records are kept I don't know but they are not definitely not holidaymakers. There is a crossing every 2 hours.