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Would You Be Happy For Romanians To Move Next Door?

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ToraToraTora | 15:16 Sun 18th May 2014 | News
113 Answers
Seems like Ferage is just being honest to me.


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This is interesting reading.

To avoid being considered a racist, should people who have had problems with Romanians refrain from posting?
Nope - bit like Middle Easterners, Indonesians and, some years back, Hong Kongers in your patch, roy.....
I'd be a lot happier if no one lived next door to me but that's because I'm not mad keen on people in general. I have no desire to get to know my neighbours (the only reason we do is because they introduced themselves to us and seek us out, really not the other way round), if I had my way we'd all be on nodding terms and that's it - I couldn't care less who lives next door to me as long as they don't bother me or effect my life in any way.

I don't subscribe to the theory that just because you live in close proximity to people, you should be 'friends' or 'get to know each other'. Why would living near anyone mean we have anything in common?! Ridiculous.
You would enjoy here, china, only the dead next door, sheep on the other side.
I have a Romanian neighbour, to be exact he lives in the house diagonally behind ours. He seems to be quite a decent chap, he speaks English and French as well as Romanian and fits in well socially in that he attends many of the local events and is a member of a few local organisations. He doesn't make his family beg in the streets and he doesn't appear to be a pickpocket, he is in fact Mrs Jom's GP.
No Roy, they should just avoid applying it to everybody who happens to be Romanian.
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I would far rather have a Romanian next door than Farage and his German wife. But perhaps I'm biassed because the Germans were responsible for my father's early death.
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You wouldn't want me and my German husband next door then Canary ?
What would you do if we moved in next to you then ?
Some of what I'm reading here makes me feel very uncomfortable .
I never ever thought I would read this sort of blatant xenophobia on AB.
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I would be very happy for them to move next door to Mr Cameron & Mr Clegg.
I agree, shaney - it's about finding sensible, practical policies and, alas, none of our mainstream parties seem capable of delivering that, hence the rise of those ijiut parties in UKIP, English Democrats and the BNP.....Where does the Salmond stand on this as many ABers may want to head north of Hadrians?
ichkeria...well said ! Lets expose the racists !
Oh dear! To be concerned about immigration automatically means one is branded as a racist.
The same hand-wringing bullsh!t from the same bedwetting politicians who are fearful of Farage because he's honest, open and forthright. Milliband is still smarting from the spanking Farage gave him on Andrew Marr's sofa last weekend.

As has already been pointed out they're all ganging up on him in a toadying, sycophantic display of 'right on' mock outrage but come the pending elections they'll find themselves second, third and fourth to some actually concerned about addressing some of the concerns of the elctorate.
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Immigration is about maths. Racism is about prejudice. They're unrelated.
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I can well believe that, methyl. I went to majorca and back without a passport (not intentionally).

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