Yes, it's certainly a strange analogy. But it's no more strange than suggesting that a nation should have to undergo a name change because a fairly insignificant proportion of its population chooses independence. The country is not, unlike say Vietnam or Korea, being split into two. It's more akin to the situation in Ukraine where Crimea has recently broken away (or more properly been broken off). Nobody has suggested that the remainder of Ukraine is renamed. And so it should be with the UK. The Scots seem to think that this is an important matter to the remainder of the UK, but quite simply it is not. It may be important to the Scots but for most people in England, Wales and NI it is a non-issue. Most people I know simply think that it will be handy if they go, a nuisance but no big deal if they choose to stay. It's certainly not of sufficient significance to prompt a name change for the area in which more than 90% of the population live.