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Rolf Harris Trial Verdict

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Jomlett | 13:55 Mon 30th Jun 2014 | News
283 Answers
Rolf Harris Guilty on all charges



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Lots of abusers are still very much alive and kicking and almost certainly still abusing. Google Elm Guest House for instance. Cyril Smith was never prosecuted because he knew where the bodies were buried. He didn't abuse boys in Rochdale on his own. Local journalists will tell you about the "dirty mac brigade" that used to turn up by train on a Saturday...
08:36 Wed 02nd Jul 2014
Why is it more of a stigma if it's boys ivor? Can you explain please? And why is it a stigma on the victims anyway?
I'm dumbfounded by that too, now, Ivor.
I can't see the difference either. Young children being used as sex objects by adult males is equally obnoxious whether its boys or girls. Its not sex that is to blame here...its power.
## And what about the pics they found on his computer..##

I didnt know about that, were they of kids?
I think he is trying to be funny. (think song)
Maybe not, I didn't see that he had posted since his first reference to 'boys'
trt, ive been wondering about that as well. Havnt heard any recent mention of pics on the news
Yes they were pics of children.
Did we know what sort of pictures? Were they his own paintings/drawings, photos he'd downloaded or something else?
Photos he'd downloaded.
I thought he was originally charged with making indecent images, but I can't find any reference, so maybe I just dreamt it.
That's what was first mentioned when he got arrested.
What is the question?
jno, confusingly 'making indecent images' also means downloading pictures, photo and video from the internet.
well at least we are spared all that bloody awful music..................
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2 years ago, he was facing 13 charges – four counts of possessing indecent images of children and nine of indecent assault involving two girls aged 14 and 15 during the 1980s. Then last year more indecent assault were added and the 4 indecent images charge seemed to have been dropped...
read it again i said his family not victims
the rest of my point ill leave it ,you'll never get it .i can see that

hc4361, yes, I know; but none of the charges decided today seem to mention images at all, not is there any suggestion that there are still verdicts to come. What happened to them?
I think that where an artist is concerned, they can plead images are art, and the CPS presumably backed off as it might weaken their case.

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