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mikey4444 | 12:40 Wed 27th Aug 2014 | News
44 Answers

Is there anybody else who doesn't know the dangers of using a BBQ inside the home ?


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I remember having a BBQ in a friend's greenhouse because it was raining outside.
Maybe the plants liked the CO2.
I like it mixed with egg ummmm to put on a butty !
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Another narrow escapee 2sp !
I have seen them in tents(sides removed), garages (in the doorway) and once in an outhouse.

All survived.
Re Darwin awards - one person has received a non posthumous award. Guy who tied balloons to his garden chair and then flew up to about 20,000 feet and invaded LAX airspace Don't know the link but the story's worth finding.
In my defence, we were only about 15 at the time. Thought we were the bees knees having a BBQ. I remember it was all inedible and we stank of smoke.

Happy memories.
The only way you get a non-posthumous Darwin award is if you have made it impossible to pass your genes on to another generation without you actually dying in the process. I'm unsure a sun lounger pilot would count.

Yeah you could probably get away with it in a tent where the sides were non-existent, but even so you aren't doing yourself any favours.
(People who don't die in the execution of a daft action are awarded Honorary Mentions by the Darwin Awards. To qualify for an Award you must either be dead or have rendered yourself incapable of reproduction.)
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Apariah...I think you have stated the obvious here. In the examples you gave, the only reason illness or death did not occur, was that there was sufficient ventilation. But logic would say that in most cases of BBQs being used dangerously, its the inclement weather that causes people to move the things inside in the first place, and that is the same reason that doors and windows are not left open.

In this, case of course, the BBQ was being used to heat a home.

There seems to be a slight scepticism creeping into this topic. Can I assure everybody that using a BBQ in unventilated areas, or even poorly ventilated areas is a very, very bad idea indeed, whatever apocryphal stories people might have heard.
Correct OG. Just looked it up and people can receive a Living Darwin Award which this guy got. Which means he's still contributing to the gene pool. Several others on there by the way.
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/// As for my 'Septic hating side ..." - I am unsure where that observation has come from, I don't have a hating side, 'septic' or otherwise. ///

To divert a little but I felt the need to point this out, please tell me if it is not true.

"Except of course for Catholicism".
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My old Mum, who is no longer with us, used to talk about those "Tory Septics", that were so horrid to that nice Mr Major. I was going to put her straight on the spelling of the word, but when I thought about it, septic suited them all too well !
I wonder has anyone ever actually searched for a gas leak with a lighted candle?
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Probably Sandy but how would we know ? Dead men don't tell no tales.
-- answer removed --
a method which has been used in suicides !
OK, I'll air my thick side. Are you discussing gas bbq's or proper charcoal, fingers crossed bbq's?

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