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Ashya King's Father Explains His Side

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Daffy6543 | 22:23 Sat 30th Aug 2014 | News
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Posted in the other thread but nobody seems to be reading it.


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Gromit, no one in their right mind takes a sick five year old, a week out of brain surgery, out of hospital and across borders in the back of a car in search of alternative medical treatment. What did they intend to do? -------------- But isn't your first sentence the crux of it? What parent IS in their right mind when faced with this situation with their child?...
08:53 Sun 31st Aug 2014
// The Proton Therapy Centre (PTC) in Prague, Czech Republic, which received a request from Brett King on 20 August, said it can treat Ashya immediately if he is eligible.

Iva Tatounova, director of strategy at PTC Czech, said: "The centre is keen on starting the treatment in a few days. The costs would be dealt with later on."

She said the centre would need the necessary medical documentation before they could agree on the appropriateness of treatment, which usually costs £60,000 - £65,000 for children.

Mr and Mrs King have not been charged with any offence in Spain. The extradition process could take several months. //

The centre say they can do the proceedure immediately.
The Kings can pay later.
They have an Apartment in Spain which they can sell.

Why are the British Authorities using dubious arrest warrants and wards of court to prevent this child getting the treatment he needs?
why are the British authorities looking at expensive foreign treatments which are of dubious value ?

Asha's family is complaining that little Asha is now in a Spanish hospital where no one speaks English - but Asha's parents did take him there ....
PP....why are we not bringing this treatment in until at least 2018 as was reported on BBC this morning?
Thanks for the info Gromit. Sky is saying the Czech's have offered the lad the treatment for free.
The hospital(Southampton) too have released a statement saying that his prognosis is 70%/80% survival over the next 5 years.
Either way this could turn into something of a PR disaster for them and become a case of the little man beating all the odds and obstacles put in his way.
Never, ever underestimate the enduring love a parent has for a child would be the lesson.
// why are the British authorities looking at expensive foreign treatments which are of dubious value ? //

They are not. No British children have undergone PBT treatment anywhere abroad for brain tumours.
The parents are planning on paying for the treatment themselves.
Well said Chilld, that's the gist of this story, the doctors often try to play god but there are some who see through it, money plays a huge part in any treatment for whomsoever, I'm sure soon enough we will see why these poor parents did what they did. I hope the end result is of good outcome for the child of course and gives peace and satisfaction to the caring parents.
In my experience my G.Ps have been fantastic at working with me on a health concern......

Not so the consultants I have had to deal with......they really don't like being questioned and god help you if you stand up to them.
Thank your gromit and as I said it won't be until 2018, rather a long time to wait don't you think when other countries are using this technology now!
correct me if I'm wrong but in English law. does '' ward of court'' mean that the parents have no say in the welfare/decision making for their child ?
// PP....why are we not bringing this treatment in until at least 2018 as was reported on BBC this morning? //

because we are not sure it works ( better than the older treatments )

The fact there is a machine called a sprockulator,
which the owners and operators say is much better than a gagged surgeon with a blindfold.....

doesnt make it true.... That the **new** sprockulator will benefit child X.
Gness, I have found the same.....they play god and woe betide you if you make waves...which I do frequently and don't give a toss!
PP....we may be unsure such things work, but surely that is similar to all 'new" treatments and sometimes we just have to go with the flow for those who have little prospects otherwise? I know if a family member of mine had little choice, I would want them to at least try something than not.
Peter wrote...

//Ashya's family is complaining that little Ashya is now in a Spanish hospital where no one speaks English - but Ashya's parents did take him there ....??

Yes they did, never intending him to be without them for one second.
// correct me if I'm wrong but in English law. does '' ward of court'' mean that the parents have no say in the welfare/decision making for their child ? //

my perception of the family courts is that the parents are up there giving the judge hell in these things.

we dont of course know what went on - the Asha family admit that protection order was mentioned on the last day before they discharged the child. If asha was already out of the country when the court order was sought then it could be invalid ( orders discretionary and not granted if they cant be actioned )
that outcome is reasonably foreseeable mamya
This isn't really new technology.

The first centre opened in the USA twenty years ago. There are over 30 centres around the world.
Yes Gromit, 30 years at least then, so why aren't we up and running with it in this godforsaken country!
Funnily enough, we pioneered the technology. The world's first hospital-based proton therapy center was a low energy cyclotron centre for ocular tumours at the Clatterbridge Centre for Oncology in the UK, opened in 1989.
At least the problem is in the public eye now, and maybe the parents will get the treatment for their beloved son, they are good loving parents to their children and i am incensed that they are now locked up in prison for daring to try and give their child every opportunity for life - in their position I would like to think I would have done the same.

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