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Ashya King's Father Explains His Side

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Daffy6543 | 22:23 Sat 30th Aug 2014 | News
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Posted in the other thread but nobody seems to be reading it.


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Gromit, no one in their right mind takes a sick five year old, a week out of brain surgery, out of hospital and across borders in the back of a car in search of alternative medical treatment. What did they intend to do? -------------- But isn't your first sentence the crux of it? What parent IS in their right mind when faced with this situation with their child?...
08:53 Sun 31st Aug 2014
I desperately hope they allow his family to start seeing him. Whatever the rights and wrongs of what has happened, this keeping the child isolated from everyone he loves is not in his best interests. surely they could sort out a situation where at least his older brother was there with him. I think this is a scandalous breach of the little boy's human rights and I imagine when the whole sorry tale is over and the parents aren't charged with anything ( or if they are they are acquitted) they will get endless compensation, but that will not replace this precious time with their son. Horribly badly managed so far, and it seems that some people are content with that.
Apparently Naomi they were threatened with an ' interim care order' by the consultant if they pushed for alternative treatment, so they could do as you suggest. Anyway it'll all come out in the wash since the clinic who wished to give him the Photon treatment apparently contacted the hospital and received no response, so we don't have to take Mr King's word for anything.
Human rights .... ironic.
Apparently they were threatened with a Court Order for asking questions about alternative treatments, so the communication wasn't there. The police (on different AB links) have said they wanted to arrest the parents so they could speak to them quickly, not with a view to punishment. Medically, we might never know whether the parents or the hospital were right. I don't know what plans were in place for Spain- they made sure they had the food and equipment needed, at least.
Yes isn't it? To be snatched away by the police from your family when even the police agree they appear to have committed no crime. That's about as black and white as you get I imagine.
From the hospital statement:

"We are aware of the comments made online by his father. Throughout Ashya's admission we have had conversations about the treatment options available to him and we had offered the family access to a second opinion, as well as assistance with organising treatment abroad."

If that were true, they would not have done this. There's a lot not said in that statement.
I disagree. I suspect that the hospital have been communicating with them but not saying what the parents want to hear. No doubt the hospital records will eventually throw some light on the whole sorry affair.
I find it almost inconceivable, in this era of medical litigation, that the medical staff at the Southampton General Hospital didn't agree to a second opinion if requested by the parents.
If this was the case then removing the child would have been totally unnecessary.
There may be more which will come out eventually but I really don't understand them taking a very ill child out of the country. Were they going to knock on a hospital's door and ask for treatment?
sqad, they said they did, and they offered to assist them in organising treatment abroad.
naomi....yes, I did read that, but if this was so......why remove the child?
Who knows? I think there's more to this than the father is telling.
Or the hospital.
The hospital will have records.
As I said, no one in his right mind would do what these parents have done, and you were right when you agreed with me,
LOL naomi, nice spin, you should have been a politician.
I didn't agree with you per se, I pointed out that any parent in this situation would be desperate to do anything for their child that they felt would ease the suffering and hopefully cure the condition.
You're using their desperation as a stick with which to beat them, I'm a tad more sympathetic to their plight, as I'm sure any reasoned judge or jury will be.
//The hospital will have records//

Indeed, but under the circumstances they are scarcely independent. The clinic who allegedly corresponded with them regarding the Photon treatment and allegedly received no response will also have records. As I said earlier we really do not have to simply take Mr King's word for this thankfully, we also will have the paper trail from the clinic which was allegedly ignored if he is telling the truth, and my gut feeling is that he is, why else would you discharge you child from a medical facility unless you had lost all confidence in those treating him. It doesn't make sense if what the hospital says is true. I think they are now in panic stricken damage limitation mode as the tide of public opinion seems to be swingning very much in favour of the parents now they have fuller facts.
Chill, I assumed you were agreeing with me that they’re not in their right mind. Yes, any caring parent would be desperate enough to do anything for their child that they felt would ease the suffering and hopefully cure the condition – but I can’t see how they thought their actions would achieve any of that. They hadn’t organised his on-going medical care.
kvalidir, they didn't 'discharge' him.
all medical/nursing notes must contain any conversation/advice/prognosis re this child conveyed to the parents. these notes of conversations may be very enlightening.

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