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Ashya King's Father Explains His Side

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Daffy6543 | 22:23 Sat 30th Aug 2014 | News
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Posted in the other thread but nobody seems to be reading it.


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Gromit, no one in their right mind takes a sick five year old, a week out of brain surgery, out of hospital and across borders in the back of a car in search of alternative medical treatment. What did they intend to do? -------------- But isn't your first sentence the crux of it? What parent IS in their right mind when faced with this situation with their child?...
08:53 Sun 31st Aug 2014
I wish abers would view this , before any more crass comments are made.
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Me too anne but very few people seem to have noticed that I posted it on the other thread, which is why I reposted it here.
I viewed it earlier on youtube........ so sad. well done in posting the clip daffy.
Daffy the have. I did. It's being discussed on the other post.
that kind of 'link' doesn't show up for me. Maybe other people cant view it either.
To go to the lengths they have gone to get their son the drugs he needs...

It's not like the NHS haven't refused life saving drugs because they are 'too expensive'
I viewed it Daffy, thank you.
Copied post from the other thread I started:

Sounds like his parents have been dealt with in a shabby, dismissive manner by the consultants.
We are talking about a 5 year old boy, not someone who has had a good innings and must now face the inevitable, they're trying to do their best for him and give him every chance. Given the conflicting advice about the proton beam treatment of course they would wnat to give it a go.
Sadly, children in this country in the same situation are denied treatment/funding for possibly life saving treatment abroad yet we can *** away millions in aid to governments who have horrendous poverty but can maintain a space programme or a regime renowned for having sympathy with/for terrorists who would willingly attack this country.

Utterly disgraceful state of affairs.
Well, I'm sorry, having seen the youtube video, my utter sympathy lies with the parents. I wasn't expecting the father to be so knowledgable and articulate. He clearly thinks he has the little boy's best interests at heart and can surely see for himself the improvement in him.
In my county there was a little boy in a similar situation and the parents got him to USA for proton beam therapy which actually saved his life, when the doctors here argued it wouldn't. My heart goes out to that family and I pray that it all ends well - what good is it that they have arrested the parents, why? They haven't done anything wrong, in fact it makes me angry. I have just experienced seeing bad medical practice when my poor Mum died in a hospital, and I'm convinced she would be alive today if it hadn't happened, so I can empathise with the parents.
I have now listened daffy and it only confirms my previous thoughts.
Something doesn`t add up here. At the beginning of the video the father says that the child`s tumour was completely removed by the surgeons but later on he says that the child has a stage 4 tumour. And if the tumour was removed, then why does he want proton beam treatment? Why would he want that if there is no tumour? I think this is a classic case of a parent Googling and thinking that he knows more about the situation than the oncologists. Sorry but that`s what I think although I`m sure he has the best of intentions.
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It is normal practice to offer chemo and radiotherapy after removal of a cancerous tumour.
If anyone cares to try and understand this, they might be part way to a better realisation of the true situation:
from 2004 ?
"It`s normal practice to offer chemo and radiotherapy after removal of a cancerous tumour" I get that but I kind of think that proton beam is directed at the tumour rather than the normal mopping up process that conventional radiation is used for after tumour removal.
I feel desperately sad for his parents. It may not be everyones experience of the NHS but it's very true to say that it is of some people and if it involves your child then come hell and high water they'd want the very best treatment available as quickly as possible. Time would appear to be of the essence and it's my opinion that they felt they didn't have time for protracted debates.I wish them all the very best. I'm aware he is hospitalised now and I hope the parents are given a voice.I have experienced Spanish hospital care and it is absolutely top class.
My heartfelt wish is that they don't keep his family away from him whilst he is in Hospital - a heartbreaking situation all round.
I agree Mamya.
'Sod the parents' wrote one ABer.

Give them a medal I say.
These parents are mot chasing a miracle has some ABers have accused them. The Proton Beam Treatment is available all over the world, but sadly the NHS lags behind. A proton Beam Centre is being built at The Christie Hospital in Manchester and is due to open in 2017, but that will be too late for this little boy.

In the meantime, The government says the new therapy should be available in 2017.

In the meantime the NHS will continue to fund trips for patients to Switzerland and the US – at a cost of £30m a year.

The King family resquested such treatment abroad and were denied it. I hope it does not turn out that they were denied it by their local NHS to save money, now that would be criminal.

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