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Ashya King's Father Explains His Side

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Daffy6543 | 22:23 Sat 30th Aug 2014 | News
184 Answers
Posted in the other thread but nobody seems to be reading it.


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Gromit, no one in their right mind takes a sick five year old, a week out of brain surgery, out of hospital and across borders in the back of a car in search of alternative medical treatment. What did they intend to do? -------------- But isn't your first sentence the crux of it? What parent IS in their right mind when faced with this situation with their child?...
08:53 Sun 31st Aug 2014
Gromit, no one in their right mind takes a sick five year old, a week out of brain surgery, out of hospital and across borders in the back of a car in search of alternative medical treatment. What did they intend to do?
But isn't your first sentence the crux of it? What parent IS in their right mind when faced with this situation with their child? They've their own reasons for wanting the proton beam as opposed to the radiotherapy.
If the fathers claims are correct then why hasn't the consultant had at least the common decency to respond to his letter and discuss it with him?
Either way this poor child now becomes a cause célèbre and I've no doubt that donations or a private benefactor will hopefully mean he gets his shot at the beam. If it fails and matters take their course then his parents can lay him to rest with the knowledge and comfort of knowing they did their utmost for him.
However it all pans out they ought not be pilloried for their actions.
I agree chili....I wouldn't like to be in their shoes today...they must be mad with worry.

Good answer 09:53
Thanks guys! Nice to see that on some topics we're not always at odds, that's what I like about AB.
I agree chili...on this we are nearly all agreed...what a pity it isn't 100% though !
"Officers have stressed that their "total focus" is on finding Ashya and his parents are not under criminal investigation" / "Hampshire Constabulary has confirmed that Ashya's parents have been arrested and taken to a local police station".... so how does that work?
I wouldn't be surprised if this was instigated by the UK police because that is the underhand way the British police FORCE works.

More importantly I wonder if the authorities have allowed the parents to pursue their wish to let Ashya have the proton beam treatment.
Answerprancer...just what were the Hampshire Police supposed to do then ?
A dangerously ill child has been taken from a Hospital, without the knowledge of the authorities, and whisked abroad. He now appears to be in Hospital again, where he needs to be. We have discussed the agony that his parents have gone through in this affair and most of us have expressed sympathy with the situation.

Should the Hampshire Police has just ignored this then ? There are few here on AB more critical with our Police than me, when they have beggared things up. But in this circumstance, they appear to have swiftly and decisively. What is "underhand" about this ? Can't understand your condemnation at all.
the parents were 'arrested'' and taken to a police station. the child was admitted to hospital, excellent treatment for this child. admit him to a foreign hospital separated from his parents, ( all in the best interest of the child ) ? really.
I will put my question to you then anneasquith.

Should the Hampshire Police have just ignored this affair ? I can't see what they have done wrong. Nobody is suggesting that these parents are chained to the wall of a nasty, foreign prison !
Hi Mikey, I thought that bit of quoted text explained it: on the one hand they are making out that the parents aren't under "criminal investigation" then on the other hand there they are being arrested.
What were the Hampshire police supposed to do? tbh I don't know, all I see is a parent who is understandably worried and feels he is being let down by our health service so is going elsewhere for help THAT shouldn't be treated as criminal IMO.
Direct quote from the Hampshire Police ::::

Assistant Chief Constable Chris Shead said: "Our number one aim is to make sure the child gets the welfare he needs."

Are you disputing that !
AP, on previous links, the police made it quite clear that they wanted to arrest the parents, as it was the quickest and easiest way of hearing and questioning them- not because they were looking at punishment.
and is the welfare of the child met when he is separated from his parents/carers, ?
Answerprancer...I have no wish to get into pedantic discussions over language but the parents have not been treated like criminals. Perhaps the only way to ensure that this little lad is back in Hospital, was to arrest the parents. Should the Spanish Police have just asked the parents nicely and when they refused, have them drive off and Ashya die in a lay-by somewhere ? The Spanish Police have acted in exactly the same way the British would under the same circumstances.

Surely he is better off in a Spanish Hospital, rather than driving around Europe in a car, or holed up in a Hotel ? The child must be the first concern here.
anneasquith...there is no room for doubt here. Ashya is better off in Hospital than lying in a Hotel room. He is very seriously ill, as Sqad has pointed out here this morning. I just don't get what you are on about here !

Does anyone else ?
Pixie...voice of common sense at last...I thought I was going mad !
ashya ''' die in a lay _by somewhere '' oh my :(
Anne, the whole point of questioning the parents is to determine that very fact; where his needs are best met.
Breaking News`: Extradition proceedings will begin soon after parents of Ashya King were arrested in Spain, say Hampshire police

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