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Ashya King's Father Explains His Side

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Daffy6543 | 22:23 Sat 30th Aug 2014 | News
184 Answers
Posted in the other thread but nobody seems to be reading it.


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Gromit, no one in their right mind takes a sick five year old, a week out of brain surgery, out of hospital and across borders in the back of a car in search of alternative medical treatment. What did they intend to do? -------------- But isn't your first sentence the crux of it? What parent IS in their right mind when faced with this situation with their child?...
08:53 Sun 31st Aug 2014
zac......that '' questioning '' could have taken place in the hospital rather than the child being without his parents/carers for any length of time.
How on earth would that have come about?
Which hospital?
Ah, sorry, you mean the hospital in Spain. I'm sure that the authorities have his best intentions in mind, including reuniting him with his parents ASAP if they conclude this is the best intention.
Mikey, I agree with some of what you are saying (but) to me it boils down to the question of 'who knows best' the parents of a very sick child or the police.
I wonder if during the arrest process that they will allow the parents access to their own son if the doctors say it's in the boy's best interests.
Surely you mean the parents of a very sick child or the medical experts?
i think the truth lies somewhere in the middle
Answerprancer...I hope that his parents are not prevented from seeing him. In fact, I am fairly sure they aren't. I may have got this wrong but I am sure that the Hants Police said a few days ago that the parents hadn't done anything wrong, as Ashya had not been made a ward of court. They were acting in the child's best interest, so the Plods seem to acted correctly for a change.
// Hants Police said a few days ago that the parents hadn't done anything wrong, as Ashya had not been made a ward of court. They were acting in the child's best interest, so the Plods seem to acted correctly for a change. //

So how have extradition proceedings been started? If they have done nothing wrong, and want to stay in Spain, why are we forcibly removing them? Will the child be flown home at the same time, or separated from the parents? And how is that in the best interests of the child?
I don't know all the answers here Gromit, but that little boy is in much safer hands now, than 24 hours ago, and its his life we are talking about here.
Update from the Beeb :::

No apology from the Police and I agree with them...quote from the link ::
Assistant Chief Constable Chris Shead: "We had to act on warnings"
Assistant Chief Constable Chris Shead said:::::

"I make no apology for being as proactive as possible in trying to find him."

He added: "I'd much rather be standing here facing criticism over being proactive than do nothing and explain why a child has lost his life."

Can't argue with him there.
From my link:

//A spokesman for UHS said: "Our priority has always been Ashya's welfare and we are delighted that he has been found.
"We are now working closely with colleagues in Malaga to ensure he receives the essential medical support he needs.
"We are aware of the comments made online by his father. Throughout Ashya's admission we have had conversations about the treatment options available to him and we had offered the family access to a second opinion, as well as assistance with organising treatment abroad…
…..Hampshire Police revealed his parents were arrested on suspicion of neglect.//

I think we have said it all here Naomi. Little boy safe at last.
Yes, he's safe, thank heavens, but the plot thickens and we await the outcome so no, I don't believe we have said it all.
I meant that we appear to have kicked into touch this ludicrous idea that the Hants Police were somehow wrong to search for the family.
Ah, I see. I never doubted that it was the right thing to do.
Neither did I Naomi but to read some peoples posts on here today, you could be forgiven for thinking that the Hants Plods had done something really horrible.
It's a bit off subject, I know, but I am also worrying about the other children in the family. When the parents were arrested who looked after them? It's horrific for them, little brother in hospital, tired after long travel, official, parents detained. On the subject, I think that a lot more has to be made clear, but my heart goes out to the whole family.
I believe the eldest child is 23.

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