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hc, John Christie very famously did it. No, I am not saying one murder is worse than another, but the agenda of radical Islamists purposefully indoctrinated with hatred does not compare to seriously mentally ill serial killers. Stop making excuses for these barbarians.
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I took Naomi's 'sod the parents' remark to mean it's the child's interests that are paramount here, not the parents', and I wouldn't argue with that.
Machetes have been used quite often in Uk
2009 2 men armed with machetes killed a man in Sutton
2011 man kills wife with machete
2012 machete attack in Bootle - attempted murder
2013 3 men with axe, sword and machete kill man in Croydon
Just another weapon.
Used in every country in the world to inflict injury and usually death on the victim.
Unless the perpetrator claims it mostly nothing to do with religion.
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Colinandjess, you're at liberty to disagree.

Grasscarp, I'd like to see your evidence that this murderer wasn't influenced by his religion.
and I would like to see your "evidence" that he was.
All that is known for sure now is that a cat and a woman were killed.
Maybe in the fullness of time we may get to know a reason. If he was mad at the time, which looks likely, even he may not know why he did what he did.
Question Author
All Muslims are influenced by their religion.
There you go Naomi. You can't provide evidence though you expected me to. You just come out with a statement - all Muslims are influenced by their religion. Says who?
Kvalidir had a point when she said "It's really not worth bothering on threads you are involved with because you just shout people down working on the theory I imagine that if you say something often enough it will magically become true"
What's the point of having a religion is it's not going to influence you?
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Grasscarp, I say - and I never shout.
excellent point, LB.
^ ;-)
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Indeed LB, and the thing is Islam isn't just a religion - it influences every aspect of life. That's what many people of other religions and many of none fail to understand. It is like no other belief system.
Naomi, just as there are lapsed Catholics who don't give a hoot for religion and non-practicing Jews there are many people who have been raised in the Islam faith and don't practice it.
There are such people who are practicing homosexuals, alcoholics, gamblers and eat pork and never set foot inside a mosque. There are many people raised as Muslims who have converted to another religion, those that occasionally attend mosque to appease their family but don't bother otherwise and those that lead good, normal lives but have just given up on their faith.

I am proud to have a family member who is a Somalian refuge, seen things that give her nightmares and has lost the majority of her family in the crisis. She has married in to a Christian family and is a member of the British armed forces - the RAF, to be precise. She is not a practicing Muslim and is considering converting to Christianity.

I am a white, middle aged man but have as much in common with Fred West as I do a beluga whale. You cannot judge a whole community of millions of people by the actions of some.
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hc, I don't judge a whole community by the actions of some. Likewise I don't pretend that what's happening isn't.
You do however Naomi pretend that what isn't happening is!
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Grasscarp, I don’t think so. None of us know what induced this barbarian to act as he did, but in my opinion he’s mentally unbalanced and his religion and the images he’s seen of other members of that religion committing similar atrocities influenced his actions. That is my opinion.

hc tells us that he is proud to have a Somalian refugee as a family member. He says she has lost all her family and has seen things that give her nightmares, so just ask yourself, why she is a refugee, what has she seen, and what has she run from? I put it to you – and to him – that in your efforts to support Islam you are overlooking the fact – and it is a fact – that not every Muslim immigrant to this country is like hc’s new family member, and neither is every convert - as we know to our cost. Many of them are exactly like the people that lady has escaped from. We don’t take only the best you know! For goodness sake take a reality check and think about what you’re actually defending.
I too agree with you here HC...too many people on AB will use the lowest common denominator to beat the poor immigrant with. :::::

Who now amongst us remembers Judy Collins ? ....such a pure voice.
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mikey, see my post at 22.08 - and think about what you're defending.

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