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Kval, you stated it is not worth bothering taking part in threads involving Naomi but I do have to contest that. Many posters have commented on her knowledge and only just today another person commented on two 'outstanding' posts that she wrote. They weren't outstanding, they were better than that...
Not quite so HUGE kval he was once a Muslim but now isn't (or thought to be) the bedrock is there, one day soon all will be revealed. I find your remarks to the OP offensive, you come across as a real little know-it-all. There are times when it would have been easy to tell you to get your facts right, Google and the Daily Wail doesn't hold all the answers. The heading of this thread was given because at the time it was presumed according to the link that he was a convert, the method of killing was one similar to the Lee Rigby killing and the perpetrators of similar race. Your father had a lot of respect for naomi.
Did he? I never heard him mention her one way or the other. In any event my father is his own man and I am my own person also and never the twain shall meet as they say.
If I recall Naomi you said ' Sod the parents', had not an ounce of sympathy for them and spouted off at every opportunity about what lousy parents they were yadayadayada and then as soon as they were vindicated you shut up like a rat trap.
I am not the rude one, nor was I making a personal attack on you, I disagreed with you and you choose not to engage people who do that properly, instead you brand them 'rude', ignore them altogether or otherwise dodge questions and statements you can't answer. It's your routine MO which is why it's not worth taking part in threads you are involved with because they always degenerate. It's a real waste of your time and everyone else's because if you didn't take things so personally and actually answered the points put to you properly then your threads would be really interesting. Anyway as ever I'm off and will leave you with the last word as I know you like that :)
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kvalidir, what I actually said before the whole story unravelled was //I hope the authorities do what is in the best interests of a five year old who has no choice in the matter. Sod diplomacy and sod the parents!// ….

… and interestingly one of your finest supporters here said this ….

//Surely this is a form of child neglect?//

//He is in danger though!!!!//

I won’t report your vindictive posts here, or the others spread over numerous threads – that would be doing you a favour. Now if you want to play with the grown-ups I suggest you grow up. You’re making a fool of yourself.
Play nicely girls !
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klavidir, one more thing. Far from being “shut up like a rat trap”, the last of my many words on the subject were these.

//All involved appear to have acted in what they thought were the best interests of the child. I’m pleased the parents have been released, but it’s sad that it should have come to this.//
People who say that Britain was a happy and prosperous place before immigrants came to this country are directly insulting me and my family.

It is quite irritating.

My personal opinion.
which your entitled to, as the people you're referring to.
They must be referring to the time before the Romans came and built the roads, dragging us kicking and screaming out of the iron age, sp.
Of course those pesky Romans opened the floodgates - letting in the Vikings and the Angles and Saxons. Before we knew it we'd been converted to Christianity.

I wasn't implying that anyone isn't entitled to their opinion. They may be in a better position than me to identify a period when the UK was a happy prosperous place. I'm only old enough to remember the 70s when there were IRA bombs going off left right and centre, when we had to go hand in cap to the IMF for loans because we were broke, when police corruption was rife, when inflation outstripped the wages of ordinary families, when hundreds of thousand of man hours were lost to strikes, where we had rolling blackouts due to the energy crises every other month.

It never seemed happy and prosperous to me.

But again, only my opinion.
of course hc, what did the romans ever do for us?
They defiled our way of life with their debauchery and luxuries such as bath houses and central heating, that's what the Romans did for us.
I was thinking more of this, hc.......

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sp, although I do think Britain was a better place before uncontrolled immigration, I don’t believe it’s the intention of those who say it to insult anyone in particular on a personal level. They’re simply stating a fact as they see it and they have every right to do that. Many of them have seen the ‘before’ and are therefore qualified to compare it to the ‘after’. As I’ve said many times, ‘culture’ not ‘colour’ is the key factor when forming opinions on immigration. For obvious reasons people of all colours and creeds are wary of fundamentalist Islam because the madness it manages to instil into some of its adherents isn’t restricted to affecting just indigenous Brits. The victim of this barbaric slaughter, at the hands of a Muslim immigrant, was herself an immigrant.
Not quite the place for levity, is it? And its not about you either, SP. It's about a poor defenceless old woman (and immigrant) who was savagely butchered. Doubt very much such a thing happened much, if at all, in the 60s and 70s.
No, in the 40s we had John Christie; in the 50s Timothy Evans; in the 60s we had Brady and Hindley; in the 70s, Dennis Nilsen; 80s, Fred and Rose West; in the 90s Harold Shipman.....
Not forgetting Hungerford and all the other atrocities carried out in this country since time immemorial.
Does it not say something as to how infrequent it was that you have named one per decade that we all remember or know about. I think it's the beheading that has struck horror into people - certainly don't recall that ever happening - it's totally barbaric to us. This also isn't the thread to talk about the good old days, of course stuff happened then but I don't know how anyone can genuinely say it's not increased.
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hc, Timothy Evans was wrongly convicted of murder, and as far as I'm aware none of the others you mention ran amok with machetes. That is an apologist analogy.
So you think one murder is worse than a mass murderer because of the weapon involved?
I could have mentioned many heinous crimes that have happened last century but stuck to one per decade as examples for the sake of brevity.

Timothy Evans may have been wrongly convicted, but somebody did it.

Well actually yes I do. If I had to be murdered i'd prefer to be shot or strangled than stabbed multiple times, had my head cut off or suffered prior torture. personal choice I suppose.

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