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Just to clarify, the 'Muslim Convert' mentioned in the title is copied directly from the heading of the newspaper article I linked to. The words, 'Another mad convert', are mine - because in my opinion that's what this man is. Is anyone saying he isn't?
Must be mad if he did what he did, just awful that it happened but life's events are there and one cannot change them. Terrible for the woman concerned of course and devastating for the family poor souls.
I am, Naomi. He is not a Muslim convert.
Make that two of us, it's been said repeatedly that he's NOT a Muslim convert.
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Is he not? I don't know how you know that, but okay, if the newspaper has it wrong, I'll rephrase that and say he's another madman.
He is definitely a madman.
Well the Daily Mail has it that's he from a 'Muslim background' and came here from Nigeria with his parents, so doesn't give me the impression he's a convert, but rather a born Muslim. An associate of his also said he 'wasn't a good Muslim because he drank and gambled' so doesn't sound like a recently converted zealot to me, more like someone very sadly mentally ill.
Yup hc.
So, he is just a mad person then ? I agree !
Well I agree with you also mikey. Any one who goes round decapitating people in our civilised country must be madmen "just" so happens that these madmen are all muslims!!
Sheer coincidence Retro, although I will admit it is the atrocity of choice amongst the very extreme followers of Islam. But it is not representative of the majority of followers of Islam, in the same way that killing people with Semtex wasn't the method of choice of Catholics, and that is my point. We can't paint all the followers of any religion with the same brush.
Quite right. Semtex was'nt the weapon of choice of PIRA. It was ANFO and ANAL mixed with fertiliser until, wait for it, our muslim brotherhood from Libya became a ready source in order to blow up the bloody Brits and Prots. I lost part of my hearing from a "come on" bomb placed in a post box placed in a Notting Hill Square. The main explosive charge in the car of an eminent surgeon killed him. I know where that Semtex came from and it was'nt direct from Checkoslavakia.
You have my sympathy Retro. But I think that I made my point. There are people on AB that seize on every opportunity to blame immigrants, and Muslims in general for every ill that besets Britain today. I merely want to point out that most Muslims of my acquaintance, albet not a great number, are as horrified by the atrocities done in their religions name, as were the Catholics of Northern Ireland, a community that I am directly related to.

Good night !
Mikey, years ago before the mass invasion of immigrants, this country was happy. prosperous and relatively crime free compared to other countries. Beheadings and gangs of asian men grooming young girls for sex were unheard of. Our culture has been eroded, we are no longer safe to walk the streets, and that pees me off. There probably are decent muslims among them, even though some are disappearing to Syria to become Jihadsts - including young women. I fail to see why we have to pander to all their Human Rights that they seem to have while sticking up two fingers to our hospitality. The man in the OP who is not-a-convert-just-a-madman will probably spend the rest of his (un)natural living in Broadmoor on the taxpayers money.
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How mad is this? Indignant claims that he is not a ‘convert’, and then by one of the objectors an ‘impression’ gleaned from the ever trustworthy Daily Mail, that he is a Muslim from birth, and then Mikey prattling on nonsensically with his ever present – if constantly incorrectly placed – plethora of exclamation marks that accompany practically every sentence he utters, that he is just a plain old madman. This is surreal.
Well said 'askyourgran' my sentiments exactly. If the liberal do gooders hadn't taken over and consigned the indigenous people into the background then maybe we would still be holding on to our culture and not pandering to those who come into this country and claim that they have 'rights' instead of taking on the culture of the country they have moved to.
You are yet again factually incorrect Naomi, just as you were on so many other threads ( remember your charming 'sod the parents' remarks on the thread about the little boy whose parents had taken him to Spain and who were vindicated despite you branding them guilty of neglect- you've been noticeably absent on there since) yet you can never just discuss anything gracefully. I quoted the Daily Mail because I thought you might actually appreciate where the information came from. It's really not worth bothering on threads you are involved with because you just shout people down working on the theory I imagine that if you say something often enough it will magically become true. Do yourself a favour occasionally, no-one was having a go at you personally, but what you said was factually inaccurate he is not a Muslim convert- he's a lapsed Muslim, which is a HUGE difference.
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kvalidir, personal attacks have no effect on me. You're wasting your time. rude.
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Should have been a capital 'R' there. 'Rude'.
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kvalidir, and actually I didn't brand that little boy's parents guilty of neglect - and I wasn't absent from the threads relating to him. Look again.

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