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andy-hughes | 08:26 Tue 24th Feb 2015 | News
132 Answers
Good morning

Now the dust has settled on our last fall-out, and we have had time to calm down and reflect, I would like to extend the hand of friendship once again, and offer my apologies for any offence caused during our last few heated exchanges.

Life is too short to bear grudges, and we are too old and experienced to allow ourselves to behave in a less than mature and civilised fashion.

We have always climbed over our anger with each other, drawn a line, and moved on, and I hope we can do so once again.




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melv16 - "My apologies if my joke was taken the wrong takes two to"

Thank you, but no apology necessary.

As advised, I do refer to my lovely wife as 'The Present Mrs Hughes', so I took your post as humorous, no offence taken.
You nicked that from Terry Wogan, andy.
The present and the current Mrs Hughes, andy.

i) There is absolutely NO NEED to quote the entirety of a post which is there for all to see just a couple of posts up the page. It's a challenge, sometimes, just finding the part of your postings where your words start, after such a huge quote.

ii) You say Sqad's words are not true. That's as may be but it is exactly how this - frankly - bizarre, luvvy-dovey thread came across to me. It made I larff. (Ta, Sqad)

iii) We're here for Godzilla versus Swamp Thing. I demand a refund!

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Tilly2 - "You nicked that from Terry Wogan, andy."

No, I think he nicked it from me!
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Hypognosis - "i) There is absolutely NO NEED to quote the entirety of a post which is there for all to see just a couple of posts up the page. It's a challenge, sometimes, just finding the part of your postings where your words start, after such a huge quote."

It's a habit which I began when the AB first started, and people were constantly cross-posting, and there was utter confusion about which posts were replying to which, and people re-posting simply added to the confusion.

I think it's simple enough to scan the quoted post, and then find my response - and I still believe it is preferable to my response being attributed to the wrong original post. A couple of people have an issue with it, but very very few.

"ii) You say Sqad's words are not true. That's as may be but it is exactly how this - frankly - bizarre, luvvy-dovey thread came across to me. It made I larff. (Ta, Sqad) "

His view is not true - and I would know wouldn't I?

Things seem back to normal now. Andy's got his white cowboy hat on, aog's wearing the black one and the rest of us are wearing grey ones:-)
// Things seem back to normal now//

and the bitching goes on !
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melv - "Things seem back to normal now. Andy's got his white cowboy hat on, aog's wearing the black one and the rest of us are wearing grey ones:-)"

Can't speak for muh colleague, but I am not a 'hat' person!!!

Apropos - did you know that the 'good guy white hat / bad guy black hat' arose from the earliest days of black and white TV?

American TV companies realised that westerns were really popular - simple good v. evil scenarios chimed well with the viewing public. The problem was, transmissions were so fuzzy that no-one could see who was who, especially in horse-riding scenes, so they hit on the idea of differeing hats to make identity simpler, and they double-whammyed it by having the good guy ride from left to right across the screen, and the bad guy ride from right to left.

Why does my brain retain this information!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Remind me never to get in a lift with Andy Hughes lol
Sqad's attitude to apologising is as bizarre as andy's. Sqad never apologises for anything even if he knows he was in the wrong (I've seen him say so), and andy apologises for everything even though he never thinks he's done anything wrong.

Somewhere in the middle there's a happy medium known as 'normality'.

\\\\\Sqad never apologises for anything even if he knows he was in the wrong \\\

No! no!.

If you assess a situation and come to a conclusion based on how you see the facts, but subsequently it suggests that your interpretation was wrong............then what are you apologising for?

I can't see the point in apologising for it........say that in retrospect, you were wrong ( and as a Dr. I have done that many times) BUT why apologise?
This thread is brilliant. Please carry on :-)
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Ludwig - "and andy apologises for everything even though he never thinks he's done anything wrong."

I don't need to check back to know that every single apology I have ever made on the site includes a reference to the issue for which I am apologising - so your statement is incorrect.

I only apologise if I think it is necessary, and I have no problem at all admitting to have been wrong - as I said on an earlier post, it doesn't take ten years off my life to say sorry.
It's good fun to read, isn't it Pixie?
It is tilly :-). Lol
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It's pretty good fun to post on as well!!
// I can't see the point in apologising for it........say that in retrospect, you were wrong //

Fine, so if you amputated someone's leg and it later turned out to be the wrong one, you'd just say 'Yes. It appears I was wrong about that'.
You don't think a sorry would be in order as well?


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