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Attn. Aog.

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andy-hughes | 08:26 Tue 24th Feb 2015 | News
132 Answers
Good morning

Now the dust has settled on our last fall-out, and we have had time to calm down and reflect, I would like to extend the hand of friendship once again, and offer my apologies for any offence caused during our last few heated exchanges.

Life is too short to bear grudges, and we are too old and experienced to allow ourselves to behave in a less than mature and civilised fashion.

We have always climbed over our anger with each other, drawn a line, and moved on, and I hope we can do so once again.




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So, everyone's having fun. That makes a refreshing change.
Jordyboy was accused of paranoia on another thread. Must be catching. How come my b word got blanked out a few days ago? Not that I am at all offended. :-)
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Ludwig - "Fine, so if you amputated someone's leg and it later turned out to be the wrong one, you'd just say 'Yes. It appears I was wrong about that'.
You don't think a sorry would be in order as well?"

sqad would probably think an apology was a bit OTT, especially since the guy's other leg is going to get better!!!!

Eye thenk yaou!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In my lifetime, i have had to apologise to people (mainly superiors) and I have had juniors apologizing to me.
This has to be done between the two of you, face to face, eyeball to eyeball, extracting a degree of humiliation from the maldoer. Does he mean his apology? Can you see it in his eyes?

Now on the internet, this cannot be done.......the whole world is watching your apology....does he/she apologise sincerely? Can you see the humility and sincerity?........NO........just a bl.ody screen.

In that cyberic setup. an apology is don't do it.
andy...we crossed posts, but i think that my post has answered your question.
If the guys other leg was going to get better...why was it being amputated in the first place?

I believe that old white hat for the good guy, and black hat for the bad guy is now classed by some as offensive towards black people.
What isn't?
Gerroutofit, AOG!
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Talbot - "If the guys other leg was going to get better...why was it being amputated in the first place?"

Actually, sqad wasn't going to apologise, he's done a deal with the patient in the next bed to buy his patient's slippers!!!!

(these are the jokes folks!)
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Sqad - "andy...we crossed posts, but i think that my post has answered your question."

It has - thank you.

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Sqad - "This has to be done between the two of you, face to face, eyeball to eyeball, extracting a degree of humiliation from the maldoer. Does he mean his apology? Can you see it in his eyes?"

Wow, that all sounds a bit macho for me!!!

Are not public apologies asked for most of the time?

/// NHS Grampian asked to apologise over heart patient ///

/// Why Are Muslims Being Asked to Apologise for the Paris Attacks? ///

/// This week Miliband was asked to apologise for Labour's mess ///

/// Django Unchained actor asked to apologise over LAPD racism claims ///

\\\\\Are not public apologies asked for most of the time?\\\

Indeed...and do they get an apology and if so is it "meaningful?"

My main theme is the "cyber apology"..............

Maybe Andy and AOG are married in real life......imagining the knives and scissors sticking out of the wood-panel walls...
Wow Andy who would have thought it as you pressed that first key this morning on your computer's keyboard that your thread would have attracted so many responses?

/// Right to the end
Just like a friend
I tried to warn you somehow
You had your way
Now you must pay
I'm glad that you're sorry now ///
It takes a bigger person to apologise, well done andy. I think once an apology is made, it is best not to dwell into what happened and how it started and whos fault it was...move on and be good x
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AOG - "Wow Andy who would have thought it as you pressed that first key this morning on your computer's keyboard that your thread would have attracted so many responses?"

I am amazed!

The idea was a post where you would see and read it - and you did, and that's it - job done - and it's managed to last all day!

You never can predict what will happen on here.

I'm sure that there were a few people sitting on the sidelines secretly hoping this would descend into a whole Dynasty-style 'Krystal vs. Alexis cat-fight-in-the-lily-pond' kinda thing.

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