I agree with naomi24's post, of 13:56 Tue 28th Apr 2015
Unintroduced pronouns, such as "they", are one of my pet hates. As are barbed comments aimed in a vague manner - "the usual contributors", etcetera, such that I can't tell whether it applies to me or not. Name names, if you mean it!
Like Randy Marsh, I also thought "at it again" applied to US police killing ethnic minorites at the point when I chose to click on the thread but, like a deceptively labelled product, it turned out to contain something else.
Although it took andy three pages to clarify that his question was intended to reduce a binary possibility into a singular certainty (since his question wording was equally ambiguous), it is understandable that he had to do so: was bazwillrun -actually- trying to imply that the rioters were beasts?
Yes, "it's just a turn of phrase, dummy" but why not rephrase the question using less loaded words? Better still, why not title the thread with something not as vague as "They"?
Communication: it's a skill.