When the, usually left-wing, pro-EU Abers used to point to the CBI's support for the EU and doom-laden results of a Brexit, I used to say a) What strange bedfellows. b) of course they like the EU, they want cheap labour.
Since then it's come to light that the CBI's largest stream of income, c.£200,000 pa, is the very same EU whose virtues they've been extolling.
Kept it very quiet, didn't they. Just like the BBC. What a racket, these modern day mafiosos extract £billions from us but, quietly, invest a few £million of our own money with certain prominent voices, let's call them bribees, to give them good PR.
In the run up to the referendum you'll hear plenty of the great and the good singing the praises of the EU. Before you let them influence your vote, ask, are they singing for their supper. Follow the money before the vote. It'll be too late finding out after the vote.