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Going, Going ....

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youngmafbog | 12:54 Wed 17th Jun 2015 | News
13 Answers
Nearly there by the looks of it.

The bubbles have to stump up over a Billion pounds by the end of the month, doesnt look like they have it to pay and the ECB amd IMF are just about at their end. The Twist and Shouts are also openly discussing the Grexit.

Only a matter of time now.


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It would be interesting, to say the least, if the EU ends up dissolving from the inside before we get to vote on whether or not we wanted to stay in it!

I've made no secret of the fact that I was intending to vote yes in that referendum but I'm going to keep an eye on this to be sure. It's all very well voting to stay in the EU because it is theoretically the better choice, but practically it's looking very shaky at the moment and I may well have to think again about that vote.
" because it is theoretically the better choice"

yeah...if you want to see the demise of the country and be dictated to, ruled by , dominated etc etc by the eussr...
Well, perhaps, but those would be practical reasons for leaving not theoretical ones...
makes no difference, technical, theoretical, practical...that is what happens under any scenario...
Never mind much will my Corfiot pint cost come September?
and lets not forget, most of that is already happening and has been since we were lied to and "joined"
Zacs, haven't spoken to you for ages. How is your mum? 100% I hope?
jan, she's fine thanks for asking. It's just been the year anniversary of my dad's death unbelievably.
Happy news and sad news at the same time. Sorry about your Dad. xx

I hope your mum continues to be healthy. xx
yes innevitable, they'll have to leave the Euro and go it alone. Trouble is your standard bubble has been taking money/assets out these last few months so there'll be very little left. They've done well out of the Euro time to depart.
This situation was inevitable once Syriza won the election
They don;t want to back down as it will be the end of them politically
But Greece doesn't want to leave either the Euro or the EU
Personally I think they should be thrown out but it won't happen
Most likely is that the Greeks will back down (it isn't a question of them not having the money: that can be sorted) and Syriza will be exposed as the cowboys that they are.
There'll be a new election and the Greeks will vote for a sensible govt instead :-)
ichkeria, really? they voted this lot in only weeks ago, they won't change their minds. This is the laziest nation in Europe, they retire at 50, tax evasion is endemic. They should never have been allowed to join the Euro but the EUphiles fudged their case.
Latest I heard is that they are in a 'Gunfight at the OK Corral' scenario, having upped the ante and threatened to not only leave the euro, but the EU as well! Could be a good move, it is certainly offering a stark choice. The EU mandarins must be shaken to the core, it wasn't supposed to be like this, negotiations and more negotiations would smooth things over..... hmmmm!

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