Quizzes & Puzzles60 mins ago
Little Boy Washed Up Dead On Turkish Beach
http:// www.the guardia n.com/w orld/20 15/sep/ 03/refu gee-cri sis-syr ian-boy -washed -up-on- beach-t urkey-t rying-t o-reach -canada #img-1
This is a heart-breaking picture. What do our "righties" think ? Should we help these people or not ? This refugee crisis is now being talked about as the worst in Europe since WW2.
The full story is here ::
http:// www.the guardia n.com/w orld/20 15/sep/ 03/refu gee-cri sis-syr ian-boy -washed -up-on- beach-t urkey-t rying-t o-reach -canada
Just in case anyone thinks this is the Guardian making its usual fuss, this is the Independent today :::
http:// www.ind ependen t.co.uk /news/w orld/eu rope/if -these- extraor dinaril y-power ful-ima ges-of- a-dead- syrian- child-w ashed-u p-on-a- beach-d ont-cha nge-eur opes-at titude- to-refu gees-wh at-will -104827 57.html
This is a heart-breaking picture. What do our "righties" think ? Should we help these people or not ? This refugee crisis is now being talked about as the worst in Europe since WW2.
The full story is here ::
Just in case anyone thinks this is the Guardian making its usual fuss, this is the Independent today :::
Surley we can do something? Even if its not "opening the floodgates" surley we can still help?? This breaks my heart- the horror. Id be on that boat trying to save my childs life if god forbid i was in that situation. There must be something our countries can do between us all to help. I work with a gentleman whos sister was planning on getting a boat she lives in...
09:52 Thu 03rd Sep 2015
Mikey, //Naomi...you expressed more sorrow for those buildings than you ever had for the people.//
For people genuinely fleeing war, I have sympathy – and make no mistake I’ve seen some of the most appalling refugee camps. However, I don’t have sympathy for the thousands of economic migrants flooding into Europe on these boats – you know, those you lump in with all the rest as ‘fleeing for their lives’. They are not.
For people genuinely fleeing war, I have sympathy – and make no mistake I’ve seen some of the most appalling refugee camps. However, I don’t have sympathy for the thousands of economic migrants flooding into Europe on these boats – you know, those you lump in with all the rest as ‘fleeing for their lives’. They are not.
Yeah it's sad, yeah it's tragic, so are the pensioners in our own country who die every year because they can't afford to heat their homes, or the hundreds of thousands who live below the poverty line or use foodbanks to survive....... and don't just blame the Tories for it, B Liar, Brown and the last brand of Lefties were as much to blame for the state of the country as the tories. As an example my income as a civil servant has fallen around 25% behind the increases in inflation over the last 15 years of so, 17% of that was the lefties....
The Shengen Agreement destroyed any hope Europe had of controlling immigration, it's now a tragedy because it's completely out of control and we can do nothing about it, these things are always sad and tragic.....the next ones will be as well...
The Shengen Agreement destroyed any hope Europe had of controlling immigration, it's now a tragedy because it's completely out of control and we can do nothing about it, these things are always sad and tragic.....the next ones will be as well...
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Use of this is an appeal to the emotive which need not lead to correct decisions. Many boats have overturned and sunk, many drowned as a result. That some bodies get washed up on a nearby shore is surely inevitable. It doesn't alter the options or which is best.
Of course suffering humanity should be helped, it is a moral issue, but that does not necessarily mean taking folk into out own country which is already crowded and has cultural tensions. The rules agreed are fairly clear, refugees go to the nearest safe country who has an obligation to help. Other countries may opt to help in other ways if they wish. The best way to help would be to quell the troubles in the country the refugees are fleeing from, by whatever means is best/most affective.
Of course suffering humanity should be helped, it is a moral issue, but that does not necessarily mean taking folk into out own country which is already crowded and has cultural tensions. The rules agreed are fairly clear, refugees go to the nearest safe country who has an obligation to help. Other countries may opt to help in other ways if they wish. The best way to help would be to quell the troubles in the country the refugees are fleeing from, by whatever means is best/most affective.
Ricror, heres a better link for ALL sympathisers
http:// m.redcr oss.org .uk/Don ate-Now /Make-a -single -donati on/Syri a?gclid =COqS7s Pc2scCF Urpwgod 5GIJcA
A lot of the problems stem from the EU destroying all borders. Stuff the EU let all European countries have their border controls back then assess how many immigrants they have already taken in & decide how many more they have room for then close their borders. Negotiate with all Arab countries in order to spread the burden more fairly. Try to get together a world army ( I wish) in order to destroy isis & all other terrorist groups which could lead to peace throughout the world which at the moment is being destroyed by armed sadists & followers of twisted ideologies.
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There is absolutley no reason to do anything different just because of this picture. Kids are dying all over the world that could be saved.
Allowing people in will simply increase the problem and more will die.
Many of these are refugees and economic migrants. Many are in a safe country now so why are they not happy?
They are simply trying to by pass the rules. Route out the genuine asylum seekers an send the rest back.
Allowing people in will simply increase the problem and more will die.
Many of these are refugees and economic migrants. Many are in a safe country now so why are they not happy?
They are simply trying to by pass the rules. Route out the genuine asylum seekers an send the rest back.
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