Quizzes & Puzzles58 mins ago
Little Boy Washed Up Dead On Turkish Beach
http:// www.the guardia n.com/w orld/20 15/sep/ 03/refu gee-cri sis-syr ian-boy -washed -up-on- beach-t urkey-t rying-t o-reach -canada #img-1
This is a heart-breaking picture. What do our "righties" think ? Should we help these people or not ? This refugee crisis is now being talked about as the worst in Europe since WW2.
The full story is here ::
http:// www.the guardia n.com/w orld/20 15/sep/ 03/refu gee-cri sis-syr ian-boy -washed -up-on- beach-t urkey-t rying-t o-reach -canada
Just in case anyone thinks this is the Guardian making its usual fuss, this is the Independent today :::
http:// www.ind ependen t.co.uk /news/w orld/eu rope/if -these- extraor dinaril y-power ful-ima ges-of- a-dead- syrian- child-w ashed-u p-on-a- beach-d ont-cha nge-eur opes-at titude- to-refu gees-wh at-will -104827 57.html
This is a heart-breaking picture. What do our "righties" think ? Should we help these people or not ? This refugee crisis is now being talked about as the worst in Europe since WW2.
The full story is here ::
Just in case anyone thinks this is the Guardian making its usual fuss, this is the Independent today :::
Surley we can do something? Even if its not "opening the floodgates" surley we can still help?? This breaks my heart- the horror. Id be on that boat trying to save my childs life if god forbid i was in that situation. There must be something our countries can do between us all to help. I work with a gentleman whos sister was planning on getting a boat she lives in...
09:52 Thu 03rd Sep 2015
Retro...we have plenty of space to build new, affordable homes
People in the UK have faced a housing crisis for decades and you now think we should magic some new houses to house foreigners?
Do the people from the UK who have been on housing lists for years go to the back of the queue behind these newcomers?
More houses, more people = more infrastructure = less and less arable land = less and less food. The UK produces 20% less food than we did only twenty years ago, as it stands we simply can not feed the people without imports and we are doing nothing to redress the balance.
Retro...we have plenty of space to build new, affordable homes
People in the UK have faced a housing crisis for decades and you now think we should magic some new houses to house foreigners?
Do the people from the UK who have been on housing lists for years go to the back of the queue behind these newcomers?
More houses, more people = more infrastructure = less and less arable land = less and less food. The UK produces 20% less food than we did only twenty years ago, as it stands we simply can not feed the people without imports and we are doing nothing to redress the balance.
A photo, how do we know it is not posed?
When are we going to stop this self flagellation? this was not our fault, it was the child's parents fault.
The idea that on the strength of this one photo we should open the flood gates is ridiculous, if we do then we will be responsible for every migrant that put their lives at risk crossing the Mediterranean.
Perhaps some would wish to take the sure way of stopping the risk of anyone else being killed, that is for the governments of Europe to advertise a number to ring, when we will send over a boat and pick them up from their point of departure?
Now there's being humanistic for you.
When are we going to stop this self flagellation? this was not our fault, it was the child's parents fault.
The idea that on the strength of this one photo we should open the flood gates is ridiculous, if we do then we will be responsible for every migrant that put their lives at risk crossing the Mediterranean.
Perhaps some would wish to take the sure way of stopping the risk of anyone else being killed, that is for the governments of Europe to advertise a number to ring, when we will send over a boat and pick them up from their point of departure?
Now there's being humanistic for you.
How can we possibly take in any more? it was reported last December that we had a backlog of immigration cases equivalent to the size of Cardiff.
/// A backlog of more than 390,000 immigration cases has been built up by the Home Office – equivalent to the population of Cardiff. ///
http:// www.dai lymail. co.uk/n ews/art icle-28 81462/M igrant- populat ion-siz e-Cardi ff-lost -Backlo g-390-0 00-case s-leave s-proce ss-inte nsive-c are.htm l
/// A backlog of more than 390,000 immigration cases has been built up by the Home Office – equivalent to the population of Cardiff. ///
Everyone cares & hate seeing imagages of drowned kids but we have our own pains to deal with, ie children suffering cancer, babes born dead to folk who live peacably among us. Our welfare is stretched to our own first.
Show your concern by donating to Red Cross, my earlier link, get your credit cards out instead of passing the buck to Dave.
Show your concern by donating to Red Cross, my earlier link, get your credit cards out instead of passing the buck to Dave.
Letting everyone in, would this stop little children being washed up dead on beaches?
One big NO.
What are your thoughts on these images?
http:// www.dai lymail. co.uk/n ews/art icle-32 20746/G od-litt le-ange l-world -shows- grief-a nger-de ath-tra gic-Syr ian-tod dler-Ay lan.htm l
One big NO.
What are your thoughts on these images?
Possibly the most difficult picture to look at I've seen. Difficult decisions, possibly dangerous decisions need to be taken. If these people are not refugees then what are they? All have embarked upon a tortuous journey and do not look as though they are faking anything. This heartbreak needs to stop and the EU needs to work together (for a change) to equally distribute and alleviate the pain. Politics and compassion should not be blurred.
/// This heartbreak needs to stop and the EU needs to work together (for a change) to equally distribute and alleviate the pain. Politics and compassion should not be blurred. ///
And if they did, and all the EU nations took their share, what about next years swarm, should we accommodate those as well, and the following year, and the year after, and......?
/// This heartbreak needs to stop and the EU needs to work together (for a change) to equally distribute and alleviate the pain. Politics and compassion should not be blurred. ///
And if they did, and all the EU nations took their share, what about next years swarm, should we accommodate those as well, and the following year, and the year after, and......?
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