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Another Presidential Wannabe Puts His Foot In It !

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mikey4444 | 08:01 Sat 10th Oct 2015 | News
31 Answers

This is worthy of Trump.

Amazing !


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I didn't know that (about Mikey).

I have such a bad habit of leaping into threads to respond to a question reply
that I feel the need to address the OP when I finally get around to tackling their question.

The thing is, usually whatever my reply would have been has already been said and it is pointless adding a "me too" style reply.

When the thread has a good selection of replies, a fresh post which isn't aimed at anyone specific always looks like it is directed at the previous poster's response.

Hence the frequency of "was that aimed at me?" in the middle of busy debates.
I blame Robert De Niro in Taxi Driver for that.^
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Clanad...I seem to recall that Poland, Holland, Norway, Denmark, Belgium, France, Czechoslovakia, and others, all had lots of fact they had armies at their disposal, and that didn't seem to stop the Germans from invading and conquering them, did it !
Well done to Clanada for copying the entire article apart from its conclusion...

"As in Weimar Germany, some well-meaning people today advocate severe restrictions, including bans and registration, on gun ownership by law-abiding persons. Such proponents are in no sense “Nazis,” any more than were the Weimar officials who promoted similar restrictions. And [i]it would be a travesty to compare today’s situation to the horrors of Nazi Germany[i].

Still, as history teaches, the road to hell is paved with good intentions."

(my italics)
Question Author are in danger of being commonsensical !

I'm familiar with this meme (it does the rounds on Facetwit) and the gist of it was that Hitler went about disarming the German public *before* he started on the anti-semitism and the whole "shop thy neighbour" philosophy of singling out dissenters. If the population ever reached the point of realisation and desire to rebel against Nazism, they were powerless to do so because they'd all been disarmed.

If they had interest in guns, I presume they'd be encouraged to join the army and they were big on gliding clubs while aircraft manufacture was still under UN restrictions.


Small arms (in the countries you listed) were of little use against armoured vehicles. The early land grabs were done with the wimpiest version, with just machine guns on the turret. So the meme isn't about that it is about the disarming of Germans, by Hitler.

Second amendment types ate basically saying they demand the right to be able to mount an armed rebellion against the US government if it gets taken over by someone they don't like. Like Obama, for instance.

Seditious, but it's America: all allowed under freedom of speech.
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America..the of the Free !
The problem with the defence-against-government argument is that it no longer makes any sense, if it ever did. Unless, that is, the people propose to arm themselves with drones, heat-seeking missiles, anti-aircraft units, etc etc.

So instead the US will have to continue accepting blood money as payment for their precious right.

If Democracy is as good as the fuss they make about living in one then the only weapon they need to fire an unpopular administration is a pen.

And, appalingly, about half a working day in a huge queue, which is a real ***ser, if you're on hourly pay, or piecework.

Other arguments, like living more than 15 minutes away from Police assistance, do still hold water.

The thing I find funniest about the backwoodsman, survivalist types is that they love weapons but stop short of signing up for actual military service.

I guess they view "defending their way of life" as something to be done on home soil, not in foreign lands?

I suspect it is a smaller grouping than that. It is whomever is included in "our own". Come the expected disaster (whatever is envisaged) their family and others of their community against the rest.

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