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Odd how many English folk have not integrated with the Welsh by learning to speak the native language of Wales in order to have a normal conversation with speakers of Welsh.

Learning Welsh wouldn't help with a lot of Welsh folk as they can not speak Welsh.
Don't you think this is going no where and off topic.I am off to bed before some one gets my posts removed. You know how that feels don't you? :-)
@ the LOON
The thread has certainly had many twists and turns since discussing a woman ranting with foul language in front of a (her?) child in a buggy.

Such is debate and how it evolves.
Agree.As I posted at 0057. Time to drop it.
Goodnight all.
I blame Rosa Parks.
^ lol at svejk xx
How many remember that name eh Svejk?
I wouldn't dream of 'ranting on' at anyone like the woman in the video is. But to be fair we don't know, as others have said, what, if anything, made her blow her top. I think we can sense when people are talking about us in a foreign language and that would seem to me the likeliest scenario.
Perhaps if she goes on trial, we'll find out.
It's seldom far from the Social Justice Warriors' lips, jan. And there's no shortage of them around here. ;-)
^^ xx :-)
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There are some in Wales who start talking in Welsh, when an English tourist comes within earshot.
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/// English is not the language of this island, it is one of several languages, were YOU not aware of that? ///

This is an English speaking nation, as is the United States of America, and you couldn't have a nation which has such a wide variety of languages than that.
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To get back to the argument that took place, although I don't condone how this woman behaved, isn't it just because of the racist issues involved that makes this an arrestable offence??

People have been arguing with each other for centuries, and each person tries to insult each other to the maximum, and they will generally pick on some physical differences, ie "you Fat ***", "you Ginger Haired git", "you tall streak of pump water", "you ugly B**ch" etc, etc.

Interesting to note however that none of these expletives, however just as hurtful to the recipient, are classed a criminal offence.

One has to ask why?

ANOTHEOLDGIT the law has to set a "bar" against which actions are measured.

A driver may have travelled at 31mph in a 30mph area, breaking the speed limit but it is unlikely he would be prosecuted for that offence.

The same driver may be breathalysed in England a month later and be found to have an alcohol level of thirty-nine microgrammes per 100 milliltres of breath, more than the legal level of thirty-five microgrammes but a prosecution will not follow as guidance is that it has to be at least forty microgrammes.

What I am trying to illustrate is that there has to be a practical level below which something may not be strictly legal or morally correct but it is tolerated. There are instances such as 8n your examples, when words used would be upsetting for those to whom they were directed but the law says no legal action can be taken.

If legal action were taken each time words were used in the examples given by you, the legal system would grind to a halt.

I would suggest you listen more closely to the video since in addition to the racial insults, the woman threatens violence against at least one of the women which may be an offence in itself.
Lets see if this woman will be sent to prison on remand (if charged) like the Emma West case
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/// I would suggest you listen more closely to the video since in addition to the racial insults, the woman threatens violence against at least one of the women which may be an offence in itself. ///

If this woman is charged, it is almost a certainty that she will face Racist charges rather than threatening violence.
She has been arrested 'on suspicion of a racially aggravated public order offence' meaning even without any racial element, a public order offence had been committed.
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Of course it is a public order offence, since it was committed in pubic and was a violation of public order.

But the main offence was that it was 'racially aggravated'.
You said 'isn't it just because of the racist issues involved that makes this an arrestable offence?? ' clearly not since you have agreed it was a public order offence.

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