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bazwillrun | 12:11 Fri 30th Oct 2015 | News
64 Answers

"The ONS said: “About 68% of the projected increase … is either directly attributable to future migration [51% of projected growth], or indirectly attributable to future migration through its effect on births and deaths [17% of projected growth].”

all you do gooder leftie apologists have encouraged, praised, aided, abetted etc etc towards the demise of this country and its culture and identity...

betcha youre all dead pleased with yourselves...


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I prefer not to be wound up by media spin and like to examine the facts. The report contains the following qualifications which i expect the radicals on here will choose to ignore:

'Assumed net migration'

'The projections are the outcome of a calculation showing what happens if particular assumptions
are made. As a forecast of the future population they would inevitably be proved wrong, to a greater
or lesser extent. As well as not taking into account future government policies, there is uncertainty
in the underlying data – for example, estimates of the current population or of past migration flows –
on which the projections are based. In addition, there is inevitable uncertainty in the assumptions
reflecting the inherent unpredictability of demographic behaviour. The latter reason means that
projections become increasingly uncertain the further they are carried forward into the future.'

' this should be treated with caution in view of the
increased uncertainty on demographic behaviour that far in the future.

By the way Baz, I'd convert to decaff if I were you. It might haelp your stress levels.
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"and baz you forgot to say that the ONS and its predecessor has got population stats badly wrong in the past "

true b...but then who do you believe...

im pretty good with trusting my own eyes and memory of how this country has gone in the past few decades where immigration is concerned...nd its still happening ....
You don't see the benefits that will flow from a culturally diverse society, then, Bazil? You're not nearly as imaginative as Zac's Master. His doctoral thesis (he has degrees in sociology from Keele, you know) was "Immigration and societal renewal: Britain in the 21st century".
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im not stressed, im laughing...

like i said in reply to PP, just look aroud at the state of this country, unless i hear otherwise im pretty happy with the basic premis of the ONS...we will continue to lsee our identity and culture diluted under the floods of immigrants being "allowed" to come here legal or otherwise, and far too many people seem happy to allow and encourage it...
Apologies for the misspelling, Bazwillrun.
V/E, I don't need a doctorate in that particular subject, just a 'degree' of common sense.
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Ok then for the sake of some AB's on here which are the 'whitest' cities in the UK?
Lets keep the mud slinging to a minimum please.

Whitest cities? Not sure but the whitest borough as of this 2011 article was Blanaeu Gwent in Wales:

"The numbers report the ethnic breakdown of every local authority area (which we've mapped using Google Fusion Tables above), which show that in 225 of them, the white population comprises over 90% of local people. That figure is highest in Wales and the North east of England - the whitest borough is Blanaeu Gwent in Wales, where 96.5% of the population is white British, followed by Copeland in Cumbria, where only 2% of the population are not white."
What will that prove ric?
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"Not sure but the whitest borough as of this 2011 article was Blanaeu Gwent in Wales: "

that wont last long, every borough town and city will soon be unrecognisable....
can you define 'soon' baz?
hindsight is a wonderfull thing,can't turn back time,but Europeans did go about taking over other folks countries,now paying the price I think
Since the immigrants who are already here don't seem to be able to have less than 6-8 children each, some have less but many of them have a lot more, there will be plenty of younger people around to pay pensions, etc. That is presuming that they will be able to find jobs.
Therefore, why do we still need so much immigration? I for one do not want to see this country become an Islamic State, but that's the way we're going.
Imagine it - no more pigs, no more dogs and all rights will be taken away from women. When your grand-daughter is choosing which veil to go out in, will you still want more immigrants?
That soon! Crikey.
The Conservative led coalition let in more immigrants in five years than the Labour Party did in the previous 13 years.

We now have a Conservative Government, and the immigration figures are getting worse, not better.

Your post seems to assume (probably correctly) that your Tory Government will do nothing to reverse the increases.

So you blaming the lefties is just gibberish.
ZM - it won't prove a thing but it will give people some idea where they may feel happiest - I doubt it but you never know
Ric, I do sometimes think that certain ABers should move to somewhere which gives then a bit more perspective. This is interesting:

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Lets go back to the 60s early 70s shall we gromit...then tell me whos responsible for doing its best to turn this into a third world khazi and getting rid of the white majority...

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