For years, the western world has interfered in the Middle East. Why? One word - oil.
If these people want to blow each other to bits because of their differing religious beliefs, then let them. If their laws appear to us to be somewhat archaic - so what. Their country, their laws.
It is because of this interference (and that successive governments have been petrified of being seen as racist) that we now have a country full of foreigners who expect to carry on as if they were still in there own country, but with the added benefits that coming here gives them.
Plus the ongoing threat to the safety and security of our already overloaded islands, and our armed forces having to deploy in these countries to make things safer for “us”. Well I don’t feel any safer because British Personnel have been in Afghanistan or Iraq. Do you?
Yes, oil is needed, but the majority of people in the Middle East are so backwards and uneducated, that they need the civilised world to extract it for them. Which is why most of the senior positions in the oil industry (and I’m talking about the people that drill, not the CEO’s) are held by British, Americans and Australians.
The few who are educated, are usually so wealthy, that there isn’t much chance of them putting on overalls and a hard hat!
So why can’t we just leave them to squabble amongst themselves?
And now after the horrific event in Paris on Friday it’s becoming clearer that things can only get worse.
For every Jihadi John that gets killed, there are hundreds of others more than willing to take his place, and every non muslim is at risk.
Can ISIS be defeated? I don’t know, but the fact is that over recent years Europe has become flooded with people who have no right to be here, and dissaprove of our way of life, and the blame lies with all of us - politicians who didn’t have the balls to say “no”, the bleeding heart brigade who said “aw, you poor things - come on in”, and people like myself who sat on our bums saying “this is wrong” but never got up and did anything about it.
So do we have enough security in place to prevent an ISIS attack before Christmas? I doubt it.
Death and carnage - coming to a shopping centre/theatre/tourist attraction near you!