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I have lived in Saudi Arabia , there is no way you would get entry with a passport that did not state your gender. Same for Egypt, Bahrain and Kenya where I have also traveled. There are many places inthe world where gender is considered vitally important. If we issued gender free passports large areas of the world would be closed to UK citizens.
21:26 Mon 04th Jan 2016
I know there is no provision for age but some always refuse to divulge their age when asked.
TTT, when I first went to the Middle East they wanted to know my religion; they haven't bothered since. But if the Iraqis really want to know the sex of the person in front of them, they can ask.

/// AOG: "There is no provision to add one's age" - err DOB?? ///

That is in one's own personal profile, and not for public viewing.

/// I know there is no provision for age but some always refuse to divulge their age when asked. ///

And that is that person's prerogative surely, apart from the fact that it is considered rude to ask.

Have you ever tried to ask certain females their age?
Why is it you think folk may have something to hide by not disclosing their gender but it is their perogative not to disclose their age?
Prerogative even...
AOG's post reminds me of a situation at work many years ago when we were having a security door installed which was to only let one person at a time through it; this was done by having a floor which weighed the occupant before allowing them through. This required the man setting up the door to know the weight of anyone likely to use it. Appreciating that he would get short change from many people if he asked their weight he came up with a cunning plan; he would say to someone "you look a bit hefty, you must weigh at least 12 stones", to which they would reply "Cheeky monkey, I only weigh 10 stone 3". Problem solved.

/// Why is it you think folk may have something to hide by not disclosing their gender but it is their perogative not to disclose their age? ///

Because as I have already pointed out there is no provision for one's age, but there is for one's gender, so it is obvious that the AB team did not class age as relevant.
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bovine guano! who would have a weight activated door! think it through!
True TTT. The weight was not the only criterion, just one of them. Two of our ladies proved that it could be fooled.
Someone who is harmless ;-)

So anyone over 10 stone 3" was locked out then?
The AB team think gender is not THAT important since it it not compulsory to disclose it.
Was it the local Weight Watchers Club?

/// The AB team think gender is not THAT important since it it not compulsory to disclose it. ///

Yet I see you disclosed your gender, so I will ask again, why do some choose not to?
Prerogative even...

You read the 'Commonly Misspelt Words' thread then?
Some of us are gentlemen, corby. So we make allowances for birds.
-- answer removed --
Well, clary, you're exhibiting the very type of thing they're against. Making gender assumptions.
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yes 10cs, seems an odd statement. I worked with a bloke once who was called Richard (Dick in fact)! anyway one day we where all called into a scrummage and told that from now on Dick was to be call Sarah! He had apparently decided at about 50 years old that he wanted to be woman and started dressing in female clothes and started on the road to surgery etc.

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