Naomi - //andy-hughes, good to see you reverse your opinion. I urge you now to enhance your education further by listening to the man who speaks from about 5.25 in PiedPiper15's link above. //
I have listened to all the speakers, and to be honest, they pattern for public speaking when preaching to the converted, tends to follow the same pattern, in this case -
Abuse of women by gangs of Muslim men is wrong
Grooming children is wrong
Freedom of movement is a seriously flawed concept for a number of reasons - movement of Muslim criminals being only one of them
Angela Murkel has made a dreadful mistake with German immigration
and in the case of the Muslim gentleman - he has abandoned his religion because he feels it does not reflect him as a person.
So - what of these would any sane individual object to?
Personally - none of them.
But I can work all those things out for myself. I don't need Tommy Robinson getting a soaking and a sore throat to preach the obvious to me thank you.
I can work out the problems, I can see the problems, but unlike Mr Robinson, I would rather use the system of law to sort out the problems, than his mass rabble-rousing, with no concrete solution anywhere in view.
As for the Muslim gentleman, if I were a Catholic, I would not leave my faith because of Opus Dei - I would simply sidestep it and continue with my faith, and try and educate and inform people what is good about my faith - walking away and bragging about it solves nothing.
Does Mr Robinson really think that this is going to change anything?
Personally, I don't, and to reiterate, I strongly suspect his motives and his underlying agenda.