jackthehat , //My son was taught about Hitler at school......as far as I know he has no plans to invade Poland.//
I’d be willing to bet your son wasn’t taught anything good about Hitler.
Mikey, //I think its rather a good idea...how else are kids going to learn about other religions and cultures ? Perhaps the School should invite Jewish, Catholic, Buddhist, etc as well. Some should be welcomed surely ?//
A strange stance for an atheist to take. Likewise andy-hughes.
//Give Naomi a nudge someone....she has read the Koran apparently, cover to cover !//
I have, but let me ask you this. Who here is in favour of teaching children that the mountains were created to pin down the earth, that an angel forms a foetus in the womb and after 40 days Allah decides its gender, and that the stars were made as missiles against demons? I’m at a loss to understand why anyone thinks this is educational or worthy of respect. Anyone for a science lesson?