naomi - //andy-hughes, //… you will need to accept that adjectives [in this case andy-hughes use of the word vitriol] are interchangeable.//
Therefore it isn’t solely the right who are guilty, as you imply. It clearly works both ways.
sp1814, //So what I'm saying is that people who criticise Katy Hopkins are accused of spouting vitriol. I wasn't saying that Katy Hopkins is the vitriol-spouter. //
You weren't saying that Katy Hopkins is the vitriol-spouter. but andy-hughes was. I didn’t misunderstand. I was questioning his double standards with his use of the word ‘vitriol’ when describing Katie Hopkins’ work. //
I tend to think as I write, and write as i think - I've always done that, probably too late to change that system now I fear.
I have learned to live with the fact that my written opinion will not always stand up to microscopic pseudo-legal analysis, and found wanting.
The main thrust of my views usually gets through unscathed, and if I occasionally trip myself up with the wrong word or phrase here or there, I accept that as the price to pay for not dissecting every word in advance of posting, because frankly I just don’t take my opinion that seriously.
If I can live with it, I bet you can too!