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The European Union: In Or Out?

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AB Editor | 13:24 Mon 25th Apr 2016 | News
249 Answers

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If the EU referendum happened tomorrow, which way would you vote?

  • Out - 208 votes
  • 70%
  • In - 91 votes
  • 30%

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in 1973 the Tories where mainly in and Labour mainly out, Heath had to rely on Labour to nullify the few that where not. How things have changed!
It was the Liberals who stuffed Britain. In 1972 4 voted in favour and 4 abstained. Had they all abstained we would never have been in this mess.
If France hadn't voted for the EU by a whole 1%, it would not exist and we wouldn't be in this situation. Until the very last moment, France was voting 'Non' and then the overseas territories votes came in and just tipped it.. So this whole mess is courtesy of a few sunny islanders. Grrr - it was the Overseas territories that got France classed as a warm country.
If only De Gaulle had still been alive in 1972.
Turks have free movement through EU (they'll flood our soc sec bill) & EU have trade deals with non members ie USA.

My vote myob for now
The EU (and hence the UK) does NOT have a trade deal with the USA, tambo. The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) has been under negotiation since 2013. Some observers expect it will not be completed before 2019 at the earliest.

The USA and the UK have never had a trading agreement. Since 1972 no trade agreements can be concluded by the UK. It relinquished that right when it joined the EU. Despite having no trade agreement business between th eUK and the US has steadily increased in recent years. In April 2015 the monthly figure was £4.5bn in exports to the US anad £2.7bn imports. Over the year some £50bn of trade took place in both directions. So Mr Obama's threat to send the UK "to the back of the queue" to negotiate something that we have never had and without which we seem to be doing quite nicely should hold no fears for those worried about leaving the EU.
unless either start to throw import tariffs around or even, help us, bans - like on the US freeze on our meat industry, never mind with f & m but with haggis, much to the annoyance of the Alban members when it came to Burns Night over there for many a year, apart from some 'gun' running across the 49th Parallel, excepting some good old fashioned boat smuggling around the walls.
Can you add a third option for 'Undecided'?
100% OUT.
Merkel runs her own path as she did with open invitation to Syrians. Merkel is on the brink of trade deals with USA and that will be the end of NHS & free health care.
I am reminded of a story about De Gaul ::

His wife, Yvonne Vendroux, Madam De Gaul, was asked by a TV reporter what she was most looking forward to, now that her husband had retired from politics.

She answered, unhesitantly .....A Penis !

De Gaul stepped in very quickly and said " No no, my they say 'appiness"
//The TTIP aims to open Europe’s public health, education and water services to U.S. businesses to encourage competition and transnational trade. //

Just a couple of lines from your link tambo. Haha something for our left of centre, in at all cost, voters to digest. I voted in, hmmm I may change my mind. (^_*)
An old one, but not true. De Gaulle couldn't speak a word of English. It must have been someone else.
Although I quietly posted in this thread (today 16.50 ) I request that you forgive me for now raising my voice and shouting OUT,OUT,OUT.

Please join me in the chorus. 'We know what it's about, and we have no doubt, that the answer is OUT,OUT,OUT.'


Jack....but a good story, nevertheless !
1966. DeGaulle demanded that all US troops should leave French soil.
LBJ, 'Does that include the ones in your cemeteries'?

ps. don't care if this story isn't true.
OUT for me too, the millions we send each week to the EU would do quite nicely for our own needs. The problem is that all our assets have been run down with all the rules and regulations made by the EU. Farming, Fishing. Industries, Armed Forces etc. etc Where do we start to rebuild. .

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